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I am really pissed off!

Submitted by Shazzers on Sun, 10/24/2010 - 13:12
Posts: 17344

PDLowner has officially pissed me off to the point that I am considering leaving for awhile. He takes everything personally, he sent me a PM (after verbally attacking me in a thread) and said the following:
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by Shazzers
What is your problem, why do you always feel as though I am personally attacking you, because that is not my intention. I was not disputing what you suggested, I was explaining what I suggested.
PDLOwner said:
Ok. I call it like I see and you are the only one that attacks on items big or small, mostly small.

I first came here to defend the industry and then found that I could help people from the industry side. You do not seem to grasp that all PDL companies are not evil and ruthless and your attitude/personal opinion comes thru with most responses to me.
Congratulaions, your attitude/demeanor towards me has driven off any insight or advice that I can provide.
You win and should be proud... [/QUOTE]
I think this is childish.

I don't want you to do anything to PDLOwner, I just don't understand why he feels that I am attacking him because I wasn't. I even stated that PDLOwner would know better than I how Check into Cash operates. I did however state that I wasn't sure I would risk not paying the loan and possibly being sent to collections or being sued. If I happen to disagree with him he feels attacked, which is childish in my opinion. Anyway, he took what I said as a personal attack, and it wasn't. I was honestly trying to help the OP. Here is the link below.

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 10/25/2010 - 06:16


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

I don't know why I let that bother me, now that I have had a few days to cool off and think about it I realize it was PDLOwner's problem, not mine. I don't think it was a good idea to air his/her anger against me in an open thread. I tried to discuss it in a PM but he was determined to make me into a bully, so, I am over it now. lol

Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 10/26/2010 - 08:16


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )


Yikes! I ran short of money several months ago and took a title loan for the first time in my life. Whenever I refused to take a phone call, these guys drove out to my house and put notes on my door. And the interest rate....148% APR!!! While I do see the help these folks can give for a (VERY) short term loan, it becomes so easy to roll them over and so hard to pay them off that many turn into semi-permanent financing. When I was a boy, the usury rate was something like 12% and over that you were either a mobster loan shark or a prisoner. I find it very difficult to defend the industry and believe that they need far more regulation.

Submitted by dantheman on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 19:38


( Posts: 860 | Credits: )