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Freedom Trust is a scam loan company

Submitted by twokidtwocat on Fri, 09/09/2005 - 08:31
Posts: 602

I want to make sure that this company is shut down just like primetime Lending.Dont send your money to these people you will not get anything in is another scam loan company also.
Hopefully if someone does a search this message will come up and they will find this board.If you are asked to send money by Western Union to get a loan IT IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If we all spread the word we can shut these people down.They keep popping up with different names but they all are the same.

I was also scammed by freedom trust...i was "approved" for a loan and asked to send money,2900.00 for the first three months payments and insurance on the loan, via western union to a "Samantha Gordon" in Ontario. I was I asked Brian Owens, my loan originator, for their license number...He said they operate under BANK ONE...that was their parent company and feel free to check out the BBB. I did, and of course they are a legitimtate company with a good record. I sent the money. The wire, for the loan, never appeared..I started calling and got the run around and eventually did a google search and found this blog. I also found them listed as a non member in the Michigan BBB; too late for me but not for everyone else. DONT SEND THEM MONEY. CALL THE ONTARIO GROUP CALLED PHONEBUSTERS, THEY ARE AWARE OF THIS COMPANY. THIS IS A SCAM. And to add insult to injury, after I chewed them out, notified the policy, they had the (*)& to call me and ask for a 595.00 broker fee, that they weren't originally aware of so that they could deposit my loan. Needless to say, I told them where to go and how to get there.

feeling stupid,

Submitted by on Wed, 09/14/2005 - 03:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes, do stay away from Freedom Trust. I have been talking w/them during this last week just getting information from them. Looked good on the surface and God knows I need the money. Did everything but send them the 3,500 via Western Union. I too was working with Brian Owen 888-658-8566 ext 705. When I talked to him this morning. I asked why do I need to send money Western Union, why were they not members of the Holland,MI Chamber of Commerce and why when I talked to the Chamber and asked about Freedom Trust on 859 Washington Avenue they there's no business at that address? I also asked about why are they not members of the BBB. If they have been in business for 15 yrs. It was all pretty funny. I was also asking to talk to the Head Office, but they don't talk to the public. wink. Also, asked if I could verify with Brinks their courier status, but he did not have contact information for Brinks. Overall asked about 20 questions he could not answer and when I asked to leave Rich Thomas a voice mail. When I was transfered I got dropped. So, I contacted PhoneBusters passed on my info. I felt a little sick to my stomache when the person I spoke to already knew the address and phone of Freedom Trust. So, becareful out there.

Submitted by on Fri, 09/16/2005 - 08:31

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They didnt get money from me.I was so happy when I thought I might get a loan that would solve all my problems,but I had a funny feeling that it was to good to be true.I found this board and asked for advice,at the time there was no info out there.I did some more research as did some of our fellow posters and decided not to send the money since it was my rent money and I didnt want to take the chance.Soon after many more came to this board with the sad stories of how they got scamed.It may have been to late for some but because of this board,many have been saved the heartache of lossing thier hard earned money.We are now finding out that there are many of these scammers out there,Primetime Lending was just the first to be stopped,but more and more are coming to this board and letting us know about all the other ones like Freedom Trust, the list will keep growing,but we can stop these people if we continue to get the word out.If I had sent the money,I might be homeless now,Im still stuggling but I have a wonderful family and I will make it somehow.Now Im trying to just take one day at a time and hoping maybe something good may come my way for once.Sometimes good things come to those who wait.Ive been waiting a long time,whats a little longer.

Submitted by twokidtwocat on Fri, 09/16/2005 - 19:58


( Posts: 602 | Credits: )

freedom trust is a scam they got me for 1200 dollars they need to be brought to justice i never recieved my loan for 5000 dollars & I can only imagine how many others have been victimized by them . the person I talked to is Rolls Garcia 18886588566 ext 973 one of there fellow crooks. I have notified westeren union, federal trade commisssion, and several law enforce ment agencies in the US and Canada theese scum bags need to be put out of buissness and put of the interenet they are professional scam artist so be very careful. they need to be runing there next buisness in a prison cell

Submitted by on Sat, 09/17/2005 - 12:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Freedom trust. these scum bags need to be brought to justice the y scammed me also. I feel for anyone else who has been taken advantage of, and scammed by theese worthless crooks. The time to take action is now if you or anyone has fell victim to theese crooks be persistent inm contacting every law enforcement agency, federal trade comission ,michigan state police, bbb, & law enforcement agencies in canada such as phone busters and the royal mounted police. They need to be in a cell in prison where they belong . I f anyone can find a way yo shut down there website that also needs to be done.Also I would be in fear that they will also be trying to steal identity. protect yoursel & take action

Submitted by on Sat, 09/17/2005 - 12:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thanks to these warnings about Freedom Trust, I'm not sending them crap! That was a close one--I almost did it. Thanks a million, or should I say thanks $2k.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/19/2005 - 15:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

just a thank you to all of you who have written I was just about to send 6 months worth of payments too. But my last call to Garcia ext 973 ended with them being very irrated with me for asking questions about coming to their office, or sending me a brochure. I decided to try and find something more about them and found this web site. How scary!! Why cant someone shut this down? Legally what has to be done?

Submitted by on Mon, 09/19/2005 - 15:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi lmb and Napaesquire

Welcome to the forums. It is nice that you both had the required information just at the right time. It is really painful to lose your hard earned money to some companies with illegal motives.

Lmb, you have to narrate this painful situation to the consumer protection office in your area, the FTC, BBB, state attorney general website and request for immediate action.

We all need to strengthen this move and shut the illegal companies. Many are closed because of this and many are yet to be closed. Why not we all be related with this good motive?

Submitted by ben on Mon, 09/19/2005 - 16:31


( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

I put in a bogus application to Freedom Trust and they called me saying I was approved. Everything was fake, social security number, name, address, and I used my work phone as my home. My manager got on the phone and pretended to be the FBI. The guy started stuttering and hung up.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/19/2005 - 18:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yeah, I wish it was the real FBI, but hopefully it scared them enough. Probably not, though. Apparently, we're in the wrong business of working hard 40+ hours a week. The real money is in robbing hard working people like ourselves. I can't understand how they can continue to get away with it!!!!

Submitted by mandi_f on Tue, 09/20/2005 - 05:17


( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

Thanks to all that posted about freedom trust. I was just going to send in the first 3 payments up front as they requested, but decided to check out their site again when I found this. What a relief, I can't afford to lose any money. Thanks to all!!!

Submitted by on Tue, 09/20/2005 - 12:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

thank you i i was trying to get a loan through them but now i wont thanks so much like you all im pretty desperate and i would have sent them the money thank you for this posting

Submitted by on Tue, 09/20/2005 - 12:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I agree. I just wish that I didn't make the mistake myself. I had found this forum before I sent my money to Allied Mutual Brokers, but there was nothing bad yet. Nobody could find anything bad, but the very DAY I sent my money, there were postings saying not to do it. I was devestated!

Submitted by mandi_f on Tue, 09/20/2005 - 19:17


( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

I received a phone call from Rose Garcia with Freedom Trust. She told me I was approved for a 15,000.00 loan. She told me I would need to pay the first 3 months payments which = 902.64 and pay for an insurance premium = 599.99. The total due = 1,502.63. She faxed me 7 pages of info/contract. I am so excited that I didn't send her any money. Thanks for the info about Freedom Trust. I will speak with Rose Garcia tomorrow and ask her some very important questions. I will also report Freedom Trust to various Agencies.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/26/2005 - 18:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I did not see this information quickly enough, and I have been waiting for three weeks for my money to be returned. What can we do to get these people stopped, and try to get our money returned?

Submitted by on Sat, 10/08/2005 - 10:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi essmith

I am sorry that you have also been victimized by the said company. Next time, whenever you make any financial decision, make sure that you have done a proper research about that company. Otherwise, these types of mistakes will keep repeating.

Regarding this incidence, you can write a complaint to the local consumer protection office as well as to the FTC and the BBB. A lot of people over here are awaiting justice.


Submitted by roxette on Sat, 10/08/2005 - 11:22


( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to a pattern of complaints concerning misleading advertising.

Customer complaints allege the company used misleading advertisements regarding stuffing envelopes with earnings of $2.00 per envelope. Customers only received flyers to place around their own community with their personal information to recruit others not the materials as advertised. Other customers allege they never received the packets and were unable to address their concerns with the company.

Submitted by twokidtwocat on Sat, 04/01/2006 - 19:55


( Posts: 602 | Credits: )

I want to to know whats going on because i have two kids that i need to support and i had send these people $47.00 i want somebody to tell me what the is going on this not right but i will do something about it if i have too.

Submitted by on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 19:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


I am sorry over the things happened with you. Please explain your present situation in details so that we can offer you better suggestions. How did you pay the company? Did you use your bank to make the payment? If yes, explain your problems to the manager and request them to conduct verification with the company. They will help you in fixing the problem.

Submitted by GunsNroses on Fri, 06/16/2006 - 17:03


( Posts: 485 | Credits: )

I also had a loan approved by Freedom Trust. I was working with a Brian Owen and when I asked them if they could take the Western Union Fee out the proceeds, Brian said that they don't do that. I checked with the Better Business Bureau and found out that this company is a scam and a fraud. Be careful when dealing with Freedom Trust and Brian Owen in particular.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 07:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi all,
I think we should all be very careful and doubtful especially when money is involved. First question we should ask ourselves is..Why do i have to send the money first when i am the one who's needing the money? Let them send the money to you first and until it reaches your hands, then we can believe that it is true. One should be wondering why they would require you to pay or send money when they are the one who's supposed to be the lending company!... it's like finding a job sometimes. Be careful with those emails where they tell you that you got hired and an offer letter is sent to you BUT! you have to pay for your own expenses and they will reimburse later or you need to pay some amount so they can start processing... let's keep in mind that no matter how much we desperately need money, we cannot let ourselves be fooled by heart goes to all those who have been fooled by all these scams but lesson learned for all... true that it is so hard to find true lending companies but let's keep in mind that there are still a lot of bad people taking advantage of others. God bless everyone here!

Submitted by on Mon, 06/28/2010 - 14:38

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