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Night of the Living Debt!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:12
Posts: 5381

It was the night before Halloween and I was sleeping soundly in my own warm bed when suddenly I rolled over and fell out with a thud! I awoke to find myself on a dismal dark wet deserted city street!
“What place is this?” I asked myself. “I must be dreaming.”
I picked myself up and began to walk cautiously toward the only light I could see about two blocks away past the piled up trash and darkened buildings. As I passed an old dumpster, there, in a doorway, sat an old woman with a tattered old trench coat and a scarf tied around her head and under her chin.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“Need some cash?” she replied.
“I just want to know where I am. I am not asking for money?”
“You will be!” she cackled. “You will be.” She began to laugh insanely and as she looked up at me her eyes glowed with little green dollar signs and her skin turned the color and texture of green mold and she began to give off a putrid odor that could only come from hell. “Your favorite color, Frog?” She continued to laugh out loud.

I walked away almost running down the street toward the light. I approached an intersection where a dim street lamp still barely glowed. Just then my cell phone rang.
“Need some cash?” It was her and that laugh. How did she get this number?
“No!” I shouted.
“Oh no?” she squawked. “Turn around!”
I spun around and walking towards me was at least two dozen men with blank stares wearing cheap polyester leisure suits and bad toupees. They were almost chanting over and over. “He owes us money. Get his money. Pay up now.” I began to run down the street and around the corner. Face to face with the old woman again.
“Cash? Need cash?”
I pushed her out of the way and kept running until I saw another group of them coming from the other direction,
“We can smell your cash.” One of them yelled. “Cash!”
I turned to run the other way and I realized I was boxed in. They drew closer and closer. I spotted an alley and ran down as fast as I could. I could see a train stopped at the end. My lungs felt as if they were going to burst. As I got closer I could hear the conductor yelling “Board!’
I ran and stretched to reach and just as the train was pulling out I grabbed the handle as the conductor shouted. “All aboard for Cash Call!”
It was too late! The train was moving too fast for me to jump off.

tb be continued......

Tell me about it!! I decided well while i'm here i'm gonna get a money order. SO i stand in line at cust service for about 10 mins, finally my turn... the cashier tells me oh u have to go to the cash center between registers 19 and 20... ok np... i go... there musta been 50 people there! :shock: Is today payday??
Needless to say i did NOT get a money order! ha ha

Submitted by Ang on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 19:00


( Posts: 2306 | Credits: )

Hell, I'm still having visions of roxy standing on someones throat with her hiking boot and threatening their life while giving them an evil look! :shock:

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 19:01


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I was hoping that you all would think that was poetic license and Frog Prince was just being Do you really see things like that? :shock: I am so meek and mild and bring nothing but sweetness and light wherever I go. I would not know how to do something like that.

Submitted by RoxyNY on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 19:10


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OMG! Now you're cracking ME up! "Meek and mild". The chick with the boot on poor frog's throat! :shock:

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 19:12


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I'm going to have nightmares of my friend stepping on my throat with a hiking boot and threatening my life. Crap! :?

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 19:17


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I personally think frog knows things that we don't know..............

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 19:21


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

We last saw our foursome being led to who knows where by Roxanne the bi-polar witch known as Good Witch Bad Witch. Our story continues.

Here we were now traveling a lovely country road along with a woman wearing multiple petticoats and hiking boots. We must have walked, or skipped in her case, about 5 miles.
???????Where are we going???????? Volleyball girl asked.
I was scared to death that she would get zapped but she didn????????t.
???????We are going to see the light. That is the place where you ask questions and get answers. Not here!??????? she replied.
I was very curious about the woman Volley referred to earlier as Air Force Mom. She had not said a word since I last saw her talking to Sky. My first thoughts were that she was just quiet and a little scared but something was telling me there was a lot more to it. Her and Sky were deep in conversation back at the house but had not spoken since. Strange!
The road had gone from paved to dirt and we were still walking. The area had become heavily wooded with live oak trees and hickory.
???????I know it is around here somewhere.??????? the witch said. ???????I was told that this was the place.???????
She wandered around and around searching.
???????What is she looking for???????? Volley asked me. And where is our ice cream????????
???????I guess she is looking for the light she was talking about.??????? I replied. ??????? I would not count on the ice cream. You can see she is a whack job.???????
Suddenly the witch stood straight up and looked back into the woods,
???????There it is!??????? she exclaimed. ???????I knew it was here. I knew it! Hurry there is not much time.???????
I looked into the woods through the trees and could see a strange blue light in the distance. We all followed her towards it. We arrived to see a shape like a giant blue electric light bulb with all electric arcs sparking across inside. We stopped about a hundred feet away afraid to get any closer.
???????Don????????t be afraid!??????? a deep kind voice said. ???????Come closer.???????
We moved a little closer.
???????What do you need to know. You don????????t have much time.???????
???????Where are we???????? Skywalker asked.
???????I does not matter where you are but where you are going.???????
???????Where are we going???????? I asked
???????You are going home.??????? He responded.
???????How do we get there.???????
???????Just use what you are given and you will get there soon.???????
???????Are there dangers ahead???????? I asked.
???????You will be ready.???????
Who were those goons in the tacky clothes????????
???????They were collection agents in the 1970s. All they knew was how to extort money and how to spend it buying cocaine and going to discos. When the fdcpa was passed they could no longer make money. Many got depressed and killed themselves and some died of natural causes. They now are spending eternity in a deserted city where the disco????????s used to be. Still trying to scare the cash out of whomever they can. It is sad because even if they got it, there is nowhere to spend it. That is really their hair in most cases. That is how they wore it back then. There are also a few women. You will recognize the by their platform shoes and designer jeans. You will face them one more time. Many of them. I must go the power is running out. Ask quickly.???????
???????Is there ice cream???????? you know who asked.
???????A truck will be here any moment. Try the soft sorbet it is to die for! Just kidding.
???????What????????s the best flavor????????

The light went out.
We heard the musical bells of an ice cream truck approaching. It stopped on the road and waited for us to emerge from the woods.
???????Get in the back of the truck, close the door and help yourselves!??????? the witch said. ???????This is where I leave you. Good luck and peace.???????
We closed the door and the truck started to move. We could not see out and we could not see the driver. Air Force Mom sat there looking almost bored. Volley was checking out the soft ice cream machines like a kid seeing ice cream for the first time.

To be continued?????????????????????

Submitted by Frogpatch on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 12:32


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Ooohhhhh! Anthony!!!! Oh, frog! This just keeps getting better and better! LOVE the "bi-polar" witch! :lol: Please keep it coming!

Submitted by cannr on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 17:49


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

It's Friday and I don't see any continuation of the story..... I'm sad. :cry:

Submitted by cannr on Fri, 11/09/2007 - 10:48


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I am sorry to say, but I have aleady written the final chapters in my mind. It will not go on much longer. In the next episode you will see who is responsible for getting me there and how. If I really fell out of bed and woke up in a deserted city street why am I dressed. I do not sleep in my clothes as a rule.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Fri, 11/09/2007 - 11:17


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

WHAT???????? I have to wait all weekend for my story? Sure, get me hooked like some person on CRACK and then take it away! :lol:

Submitted by cannr on Fri, 11/09/2007 - 12:48


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I gave you a hint. Here is another one. Be careful who is PMing you! So, I got there dressed so I could not have fallen out of bed. There is someone there who is responsible for me being there and beware of PMs. I said early on that characters may not be who they appear to be. The answers are all on the Ice Cream truck. Monday!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Fri, 11/09/2007 - 13:22


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Catching up on the reading today. With Tuesday being my last day at work and then leaving to go to Inday to watch my daughter compete in a band competition, I have been so busy that I am lucky to take a peek once in a while. This has been so much fun to read! Hmmm wonder why the AF mom looks so bored??? LOL

Submitted by 2nband on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 07:33


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

:shock: I'm scared now. He gave us a "hint"? And "beware of pm's"? Characters are not who we think they are? :shock: I'm actually afraid of the ending.

Submitted by cannr on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 17:57


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Hell, I'm scared! :shock:

Submitted by cannr on Sun, 11/11/2007 - 16:37


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I'm waiting NOT patiently! :wink:

Submitted by cannr on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 08:49


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

I am sorry but there will be no chapter added today! I am too adversely affected by the fact that Volleyball mom, one of my charcters and the only one that has been in every chapter has dropped out of the site. I posted a thread encouraging support for her as a valuable member. I am disappointed in the lack of response I am getting. The thread is not to decide who is right or wrong. It is for support!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 09:44


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Gosh Morning the dentist is a scary enough story in itself! I musta had a really bad childhood experience with the dentist that i have totally blocked out cuz anytime i have an appt i feel like i'm gonna have a heart attack! Almost need a versad drip to just have my teeth cleaned twice a year! :lol:
Hope ur appt went well,

Submitted by Ang on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 09:47


( Posts: 2306 | Credits: )

frog, I'm sorry there will be no chapter today. However, totally understandable. I have posted on your thread regarding volley showing my support, frog. I have also posted on the thread regarding kash. I'm sorry this whole thing is affecting everything. However, we need to do what we need to do. And, I'm sure as the day goes on, we will get more responses to the thread, frog. Have faith. We are not the only ones who support them.

Submitted by cannr on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 10:04


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