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Night of the Living Debt!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:12
Posts: 5381

It was the night before Halloween and I was sleeping soundly in my own warm bed when suddenly I rolled over and fell out with a thud! I awoke to find myself on a dismal dark wet deserted city street!
“What place is this?” I asked myself. “I must be dreaming.”
I picked myself up and began to walk cautiously toward the only light I could see about two blocks away past the piled up trash and darkened buildings. As I passed an old dumpster, there, in a doorway, sat an old woman with a tattered old trench coat and a scarf tied around her head and under her chin.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“Need some cash?” she replied.
“I just want to know where I am. I am not asking for money?”
“You will be!” she cackled. “You will be.” She began to laugh insanely and as she looked up at me her eyes glowed with little green dollar signs and her skin turned the color and texture of green mold and she began to give off a putrid odor that could only come from hell. “Your favorite color, Frog?” She continued to laugh out loud.

I walked away almost running down the street toward the light. I approached an intersection where a dim street lamp still barely glowed. Just then my cell phone rang.
“Need some cash?” It was her and that laugh. How did she get this number?
“No!” I shouted.
“Oh no?” she squawked. “Turn around!”
I spun around and walking towards me was at least two dozen men with blank stares wearing cheap polyester leisure suits and bad toupees. They were almost chanting over and over. “He owes us money. Get his money. Pay up now.” I began to run down the street and around the corner. Face to face with the old woman again.
“Cash? Need cash?”
I pushed her out of the way and kept running until I saw another group of them coming from the other direction,
“We can smell your cash.” One of them yelled. “Cash!”
I turned to run the other way and I realized I was boxed in. They drew closer and closer. I spotted an alley and ran down as fast as I could. I could see a train stopped at the end. My lungs felt as if they were going to burst. As I got closer I could hear the conductor yelling “Board!’
I ran and stretched to reach and just as the train was pulling out I grabbed the handle as the conductor shouted. “All aboard for Cash Call!”
It was too late! The train was moving too fast for me to jump off.

tb be continued......

VOLLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 10:11


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

KASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Submitted by cannr on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 10:32


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

In the last segment the Fearful Foursome was in the back of a soft ice cream truck. I was wondering why the one I new as Air Force Mom seemed so aloof to what was going on. The truck had begun to drive off and we could not see outside except for a small window in the back. We also could not see who was driving. Our story continues???????..

I sat down on a box in the back and took out my cell phone. I had tried to use it before but could not get out. I started to call home.
???????It won????????t work , ??????? Air Force Mom said, ???????That old witch jammed it when she called you.???????
???????I was wondering when you would finally talk.??????? I replied. ???????Who told you about the old witch calling me????????
???????I just know.??????? She answered. ???????I know pretty much everything.???????
???????Like how you got here and who is responsible.???????
She went to the front of the compartment and banged on the wall.
???????Cut it for a few, Mike!???????
She then came back and stood in front of me.
"Don????????t you think it is a little odd that you were in bed, the last you remember, but you show up here with a your clothes, including sneakers? Doesn????????t it strike you as odd that the girl over there is in the same boat but is not even concerned about her family? All she wants to do is eat!???????
???????Yeah, I did think it was odd. I also could not figure out how I got dressed.??????? I agreed.
???????Well let me give you a little info. That girl is a subliminal hypnotist. The best there is. She has been sending you personal messages on a certain website that contain subliminal messages. When a phrase or key word is spoken to you or you hear a certain sound you are primed to forget everything until you are brought back the same way.???????
I look over at Volleyball girl. She smiles with her cone in one hand and gives me one of those finger only waves with the other.
???????Do you remember that night hearing anything right before you got here????????
???????Yeah, a doorbell rang but not my doorbell.???????
???????That????????s right. That was your key to get up, get dressed walk outside to a waiting car. The car took you to an area of the city and dropped you there and you were awakened by the same bell. One light was lit to get you to walk in that direction.???????
???????You have got to be kidding me!???????
She bent over by the back door and picked something up.
???????Oh look, its Roxy????????s taser wand. She must have left it here for us.???????
She pointed it at me,
???????Don????????t please!" I pleaded.
???????It????????s a prop. It shoots a harmless low voltage spark. It can????????t hurt anyone!???????
???????What about Skywalker there.???????
???????An actor.???????
???????What about the one called morning? I saw her morph from a light to a person, get wings and fly!???????
???????You only thought you saw her fly. What you saw was a 3D image projected in the air."
Next thing I knew Volleyball girl was sitting on my lap. And as then she was right back where she was. I never saw her get up.
???????What was the last thing you heard Morning say???????? Air Force Mom asked.
???????I????????ll be back!???????
???????That????????s what I just said. When I did, she got up walked over and sat on your lap.??????? I said another word to bring you back and then I did it again and she walked back.???????
???????What about the pug and wiener dog????????
???????Dwarf actors in dog costumes! Didn????????t you notice they were a little large for dogs? The bulldog was real though. He was chosen because he is always panting. There was a small speaker in his collar so it looked like he was talking and he was trained to go to the boat when anyone walked out the front. The Cajun lady was real but she lives in Florida not Louisiana. She owns a catering business. You are still in Florida. You never left Florida.???????
???????Why are you telling me this now? What about those goons!??????? I asked.
???????Roll it Mike!??????? she yelled to the front.

To be continued???????.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 10:12


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

This is awesome. Reminds me of my first forum I was ever on... It was a story writers forum. I am inspired, I want to write a story too, but I don't think it will be as good. We'll need a whole 'nother thread category for everyones stories now!

That is if anyone is willing to try to even compare to the greatness of this story. Love the twists and turns!

Submitted by pokogeo on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 11:56


( Posts: 571 | Credits: )

Poko, It is people like you and the others whose kind words that inspire me to keep this going. I used to write when I was very young. Too young, but did not realize it at the time. First rejection stopped me and then life got in the way. Thirty some years later I realize that I am no longer too young with no life experience but almost too old. You and others have rekindled my creativity and once again I am a writer. Thank you all!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 13:09


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

You are welcome Frog! I still have my notebook of all the stuff I've written as a youngster and a few of those stories I've thought about fleshing out into novels. But like you said life gets in the way and writing can take up a lot of time. But it can be rewarding, whether or not people read it. Whether or not people like it. Write for yourself, and enjoy the praise when it comes! And ignore anything else, because it is all about what makes you happy!

Submitted by pokogeo on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 13:26


( Posts: 571 | Credits: )

frog....we are never too old for anything!!!!! Don't you even think that...I learned to rollerblade at 45!!!!and at 50 I picked up and started over in a new state...we can do anything we put our minds too...writer, author??? YES YOU ARE my friend!!! And a very good one at have us all in suspense...

Submitted by Morningstarr430 on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 15:15


( Posts: 2329 | Credits: )

Frog, this is great!!! You are going to have me hoping something happens at work and I get to leave early tomorrow lol. I have errands to run and won't have time to look before work so I will have to read after work :cry: But at least it will give me something to think about at work :)

I cannot thank you enough for the time you are putting into this. I am enjoying this story so much.

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 08:28


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

Well good luck and get lots done this vacation. We'll be in suspense for more to read, but keep in mind we'll be on vacation too... I remember a few have said they'll be unable to read anything that you put up during the vacation. So I don't know what is worse, not having lots of updates, or having them but not being able to read them! (In fact I'll be unable to read them myself, headed to visit family who have painfully slow dialup!)...

Submitted by pokogeo on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 16:23


( Posts: 571 | Credits: )

I think I will take a break this week as I need time to get other things done and many people will not be around to read it as they will be away. I will post a couple things to keep from being pushed down. All I can say is in the next page or two all hell will break loose! A new character or two will be intoduced and there will be another unusual turn. Thanks for all your support.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 04:43


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Hey, swedish! Good to see you again! :D

Submitted by cannr on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 16:47


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Well here it is! Enjoy!

It has been a while but if you remember we were all heading off in the back of a Mr. Softee truck. Air Force Mom had revealed a lot of truths about how I was pretty much Shang Hai????????d into this trip by a foodie hypnotist and most of the characters were not who they pretended to be. We will pick up our journey from there??????????????

Obviously Mom did not want to say anymore and I was left with many unanswered questions. How did I fly? Who is Mike and why is she barking commands like a film director at him?. I looked around and on the ceiling toward the front was one of those black plastic bubbles like you see on the ceilings in department stores. Oh no! I thought. She is the film director. How sick is this? Am I some kind of experiment?
???????Where are we going???????? I asked.
???????We are going back to near where you came from.??????? Skywalker answered. ???????The city.???????
???????Why there????????
???????It is your way back.???????
I could hear the jingling melody coming from the trucks bells.
???????Why do they keep playing that???????? Who is driving????????
???????Maybe we will sell some ice cream on the way.??????? Volleyball girl replied.
???????Oh brother!??????? I said to myself. ??????? This chick is too weird. Almost as weird as that Roxanne person.???????
???????Here take this.??????? Skywalker handed me a black hard cloth case. ???????Put it on your belt. I contains several packs of play money each containing one real dollar. They are loaded with die packs. There is a remote to set them off. If you are threatened by a bunch of them throw them a pack of money. They will fight for it because it smells real. Point the remote and press. The die will get all over their clothes. Remember they were vain self centered people in real life. Once there clothes are ruined they will run off to find a dry cleaner. Inside the case is also a water gun filled with milk. If you have a close encounter squirt them in the face. They hate milk. It is wholesome and reminds them of their innocent childhood. They will start to cry and you can escape.???????
He handed a similar bag to the others.
After what seemed like an hour the music stopped and the truck started moving much slower finally coming to a stop. Air Force Mom forced open the service window on the side on the truck. There was a vacant lot and on the street on the other side, about a hundred yards away, I saw what had to be several hundred people lined up, wrapping around the building and down a street.
???????Who are they? What are they doing????????
???????That????????s the goons you asked about. They spend eternity waiting for Donna Summer tickets to go on sale at ticket master when they are not chasing people for money.??????? Air Force Mom replied.
???????There is an old theater down that street where that line wraps around.??????? Skywalker added. ???????There will be someone to let you in a door just down the side street.???????
???????How do we get there???????? I asked.
???????We walk and then we run like hell.??????? He popped open the rear door and yelled ???????Move! Lets go!???????
We climbed from the truck and started walking across the vacant lot.
???????Here look.??????? Sky handed me a pair of binoculars.
I peered through them and was shocked at what I saw, big hair, platform shoes, polyester stretching on forever. From a distance I could hear Barry Manilow singing ???????his name was Rico , he wore a diamond.??????? Copa Cabana!. Now I knew what hell was really like! We started walking across the vacant lot directly toward them.
To say I was not scared would be a lie!

to be continued......

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 11:16


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

And I get to be the first one to post.... I am so excited to read another chapter. I am worried it is comming to a close....I hope not. I know it can not go on forever, but I also hate to see you end it. And Barry Manilow???? Where in the world? and What were you taking?? :wink:

Submitted by RoxyNY on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 11:27


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