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Submitted by shoppinbuczek on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 04:24
Posts: 53

Here is what I have found so far:

Loan Shop- Missouri Bank and Trust 816-881-8250. I talked to the ACH Department and though he would not help me I kept after him until he asked if I wanted to get them on the phone. It took a couple of minutes for her to concede to a PIF.

United Cash Loans- Breamer Bank 651-734-4726. I am going to keep after them but so far they will not help me. Never hurts to get lots of people to call.

Upfront Cash/Payday- ACH Commerce 423-238-5184 Talk to Gail Sauter. At first she would not do anything but then I sent her an e-mail at gsauter (@) and copy jjaramillo (@) as well as Upfront. By that evening I had an e-mail saying my account was PIF and I would get a refund of $500.00 and I did.

Please EVERYONE try to get them through their ACH Processor. I feel if we get enough people calling and e-mailing then we will be hitting them where it hurts.
If anyone knows of any other ACH Processors please post and who they are affiliated with. It is hard to get the information so lets share.

shoppin. . .glad to see that things are moving along for you. It really is amazing what can be accomplished when you know exactly where to go and what to do. I know that UsFastCash also uses Intercept and Bremer Bank. Worked for me. I also think that the more people who call, they will finally get the hint that it is the beginning of the end. Keep up the good work. I am looking for a processor for Star Advance and I seem to be at a stalemate. However, I did call the Bank of the Wests' Legal Department and they are working on it for me. Sent an email to Star informing them of such, so I will wait and see where it gets me. They are my LAST PDL and I can't wait to get them out of my life!

Submitted by llw1995 on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 08:43


( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

So here is the update. I got a call from Bremer bank and then from Intercept. i didn't know that UCL uses Intercept who in turn uses Bremer Bank. Both are "Turning up the Heat" as they put it. I called UCL 3 times today only to be told that they could not discuss my account with me because that was handled by another department and they did not have extensions. As Julie Berklin at Bremer put it "That doesn't seem right." Hopefully between the two they will put some stress on UCL. Sure wouldhelp to put them out of business if everyone on here called.

Submitted by shoppinbuczek on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 13:16


( Posts: 53 | Credits: )

Well guys it is all over for me where PDL's are concerned. I just got a letter from United Cash Loans that my account is $0. I could not have done it without your help. I tell you ACH Processors are the way to go. I spent a week faxing letters to PDL's, AG's and the BBB but on Wednesday when you guys directed me to the ACH Processor sticky and I started hounding them I got results. In 2 days I have been confirmed of all three being marked PIF and one refunded mt $500. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Not that I don't still have debt but it is mostly Student Loan.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 16:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well guys it is all over for me where PDL's are concerned. I just got a letter from United Cash Loans that my account is $0. I could not have done it without your help. I tell you ACH Processors are the way to go. I spent a week faxing letters to PDL's, AG's and the BBB but on Wednesday when you guys directed me to the ACH Processor sticky and I started hounding them I got results. In 2 days I have been confirmed of all three being marked PIF and one refunded mt $500. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Not that I don't still have debt but it is mostly Student Loan.

Amen!!! I'm beginning to believe in this method myself, too bad I couldn't use it for debt collectors. lol I am payday loan debt free thanks to the people of this forum, but really feel that others who are facing this should be advised to use this system also. I hope you stick around so you can help others who may wander in here, in the same predicament you were in. You now have the knowledge and experience to guide others with the processor method! I am so happy for you!! Yay!!

Submitted by Shazzers on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 16:37


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Again, I agree. If we could get the processors listed and who they are processing for it would help a great deal. The two biggies are Intercept and ACH Commerce. Neither process for Star Advance, so I am hoping that someone can stumble upon it, and get it listed. Now that I've cleared all the others, I am anxious to get this one cleared as well.

Submitted by llw1995 on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 17:57


( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

Have you talked to the ACH Department at your bank? I had some trouble until I called back the third time, explained my situation, and got an understanding person how called the ACH Department and they gave me the name, Company ID and Trace #. I hope eventually we can get many many Processors on this forum so others can easily find the information.

Submitted by shoppinbuczek on Sat, 05/03/2008 - 04:23


( Posts: 53 | Credits: )

shoppin. . .Yes I did. That is how I got the Bremer Bank and the Intercept info to you. They had the bank info on both UFC and Star and I was able to track the processor to UFC but not to Star. I have spoken with the legal department of BOW, which is Star's originator and I have also sent an email to Mr. Guiterez, after jumping through hoops to get my email delivered, as opposed to going to the spam folder, but I am still waiting on a response from both. I did get an email from Star's collections, still demanding my remaining balance, in full, and within 10 days, but it had snotty undertones, which I don't take kindly to "snotty". I did let BOW know that they are funding an illegal operation, especially in the State of New York and that my AG is working on it as well. I did call again last evening and left yet another message regarding my request and am awaiting their response. I will keep on calling them each and every day until they make Star go away. In the meantime, if anyone has any thoughts on locating a processor, I would appreciate it. However, I suppose it is possible that BOW funds and processes as well so I may very well have the right connection.

Submitted by llw1995 on Sat, 05/03/2008 - 10:30


( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

I don't want to close my bank account unless it is a complete lastresort - my spouse doesnt know about these loans and it would be a huge marital problem if found out.

Live in NJ and am confused about whether or not PDLs are legal and how to approach each company to find out how to get them marked paid? Have rolled over multiple loans many many times with these companies (most are 300/400 principles but a few are bigger):

money & more
onestep cash
paycheck today
geneva roth (new one)
loan shop
fast and reliable
delaware fast funds
magnum cash advance

Have been reading through the threads and just don't know how to start to figure out what these letters are you are sending and where to start to get this moving along without risking more coming out of the account (and really trying not to close it)

Submitted by on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 17:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thank you - I just did that. I feel like there is maybe some ray of hope of getting out of this mess I've gotten myself into.

Submitted by on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 18:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Get to counseling- not only have you taken out WAY to many loans but not telling your spouse about how completely irresponsible YOU have been with his money is beyond comprehension. The pain is only beggining when your spouse finds out not from you but a collector calling them at work or a neighbor you are screwed. Get a grip and at least be honest-Then figure out how to pay your debts back instead of trying to weasle your way out of paying the money back thet YOU borrowed.

Submitted by on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )