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New tactic??

Submitted by goldenbast on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 22:49
Posts: 2884

First off hello all...I work 40+ hours now and still try to take care of my that leaves me with very little time to keep up here...but I am trying again. :)

Anyhow I thought you all should hear this latest tactic a collector is trying....ok...they sent me a letter stating that they have set up an appointment for me to come into their office and discuss my 'unfortunate debt situation'. can you believe that????:):):)

An appointment..*rolls eyes* Sheesh.

good to see yaz golden,yes that is one of many new tactics me
and alot of people have been hearing about and experiencing.
lorri is right.the losers.

Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 07/30/2008 - 05:02


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I also have missed your words of wisdom but if you owe money my god set up payment plan ! people in America under age of 40 seem to think they don't owe or have to pay their obligations or be responsible.........why don't you set up payment plan to pay so that you don't get sued into eternity? and owe someone when real debt gets re-sold forever? They can prove you owe real debt if they take you to court even if you chose not to pay.if you really owed them the money it will haunt you forever you an't just walk away golden

Submitted by on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 02:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

golden stop trying to dance around the issues and not pay debt you agreed to----
so many members on site got taken advantage of lied to etc.....
you have legal collectable debts you are trying to avoid and will end up getting sued for way over amount you originally agreed to pay if you now default........don't be a hero pay more than ZERO that you actually owe a business for things you have in your possssion or once had in your possession after your cant just walk away and say you don't owe for these things WTH kind of example are you setting Golden?

Submitted by on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 02:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You last two posters.....having a bit of a tough time in the collection office are we hmm? Poor you that people are starting to understand their rights.

I'm curious why you would even suggest it is something I agreed to hmm? Wow....must be a mind reader..but I hate to inform you that you are reading the wrong mind. This debt is nothing I ever agreed to ever and I would love to see them in court because they would have to magically fabricate proof of my debt since it doesn't actually exist...good luck with that. Yup. You all must be new or something because I have said time and again that if I actually do owe something, I do pay it. However I do not pay one red cent toward something that is not legal and I have been to court and have won where the buzzard collectors had to pay ME. So go bark up someone else's tree and leave mine alone. :)

Submitted by goldenbast on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 02:35


( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )

Oh to answer the others it is not a PDL it is some random debt that some office is claiming I owe. Funny how they could not provide one shred of proof. I sent them a letter demanding validation because I know darn well they have none since it isn't anything I have done and the response was that funny letter about an appointment to discuss the situation. I am ignoring that letter for now and when the 60 days are up I will be happily sitting down with them in court and sueing the stuffing out of them for not being able to validate my debt and still trying to collect upon the unvalidated debt.

Submitted by goldenbast on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 02:40


( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )

YOU GO GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!...i see the time away hasn't calmed your intolerance for trolls. :lol: :lol:

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 05:45


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I totally missed this thread. Glad it got bumped back to the top of the list!

Welcome back GoldenBast! Missed you!

So this "appointment" thing is something new the CA's are trotting out? As paulmergel posted there have been others that have received this type of letter?

I'm just curious to see what is supposed to get resolved during this "appointment"? Is the supposed to be a softer more gentler approach to collecting?

I'm guessing this could be considered attempts at collections and if you did already DV them they have already racked up an fdcpa violation. And if you included a limited cease and desist in that letter, I'm guessing attempting to get a debtor to go in for an appointment wouldn't be considered communication via USPS only.

Boy, I can't wait for my first "appointment" letter! What fun!

Submitted by FloridaRon on Sun, 08/03/2008 - 03:24


( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

Guest, aside from the fact I had trouble even understanding the point you pathetically tried to make in your post, why don't you just leave GoldenBast alone? I'm sure you're the same guest that comes on here all the time bashing her.

It's like you have some sore of unhealthy obsession with her, maybe you should seek out therapy.

Submitted by FloridaRon on Sat, 08/16/2008 - 04:59


( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

I am not letting them raz me anymore...I just realized that they sound utterly stupid and moronic. I don't know how many times I have said that the only debts I don't pay are bogus ones..but perhaps I am using big words that they do not understand. So I will try to write it as simply as possible and cross my fingers that moron above can understand the words.

Not my debt.

Today's word is NOT.

Submitted by goldenbast on Sat, 08/16/2008 - 23:12


( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )

Hey Golden, maybe if you left all the punctuation out of your posts, making them one long vowel-movement like our friend "Guest" does, he/she might be able to understand you better. Of course, I'd get an even bigger headache that way, from reading all those punctuation-less (probably not a real word) posts.

So, maybe not such good advice on my part.

And I'm in the same boat as you, GoldenBast, I've got my own Internet stalker now. EmployedJon seems to have taken an unhealthy, and entirely frightening, interest in me.

Submitted by FloridaRon on Sun, 08/17/2008 - 15:29


( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )