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Call from CBS News?

Submitted by xine1977 on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 12:02
Posts: 20

i just received a call from CBS news in regards to internet payday lending. she obtained my information from the ohio attorney general.

i don't know if i should trust it or not...seems kinda bizarre.

she gave me her number. i plan on goooooooogling it to see if it is legit. i will update.

I hope it's legit too!! It's about time this be brought out into the open, especially the unlicensed, over seas, internet pdl's that are lending money to unsuspecting down and out people, then draining them dry, and harrassing and threatening people until they are scared out of their wits! The truth needs to be heard!

Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 12:30


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

i called and yes, it was legit.

they are doing some investigative work on internet payday lending and "brick and mortar" shops.

she asked me what got me involved with payday lending and what advice i would give others.

i stated to her that if it wasn't for this community (i did mention debt consolidation care), i would have never known that the majority of internet payday lending was illegal to lend in my state or even the united states. i mentioned CTC (because of my involvement) and how these "offshore" companies think they are above the law and how ruthless and spiteful they are to collect their illegal fees back. additionally, they have open access to your accounts, your SSN...and you know that only spells trouble.

her next questioning was on the "brick and mortars" and if i supported potential legislation to close them down. i told her that although at the time i would have supported them, the interest rate alone is way too much for a 14 day loan. it may seem easy and fast, but it pales in comparison to a regular loan where the interest rates are more manageable.

she asked what my word of advice to people who might be tempted to get internet loans. i told her that i would advise anyone to stay far away as possible. it's not worth the stress for a couple hundred dollars.

she said that they are just in the beginning stages of the maybe others will get calls as well. it does pay off to go to your attorney general...

Submitted by xine1977 on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 15:10


( Posts: 20 | Credits: )

GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! should post the video here.we all would love to see it. 8) 8)

Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 08/06/2008 - 06:28


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Way to go and represent Ohio! Someone asked me to sign the petition to put it on the ballot. I told her I want to see them all shut down. She walked away.

Submitted by kporter90 on Wed, 08/06/2008 - 12:18


( Posts: 58 | Credits: )