scam email
Date: Tue, 09/23/2008 - 13:41
Submitted by jessiejamesprovost
Tue, 09/23/2008 - 13:41
Total Replies: 36
scam email
CABLEGRAM:HOTELINE PHONE= +2347033344357 or 0112347033344357
To whom it concern
I am Mr.Sven Andre Model, a United Nations foreign envoy to Africa and europe
for finance and special matters attached to IMF and EFCC Nigeria. Your email
address was among the outstanding beneficiary’s whose fund has been
pending for so long and some hoodlums or rather radicals have been using this
opportunity to get money from you. Using the name of top personel's and cooperate
offices in Nigeria , Ghana, Benin Republic, Spain, Germany and london.
Please forgive them for the inefficiency but i promise to make sure that you receive
your entire fund and also get the culprits arrested immediately. Please you have to
reply this mail immediately you get it and call the above Phone Number so that we will
direct you to the bank where your money is at the moment and I promise you I will make
sure you get your money in less than 72 hours after this mail has been read and replied.
Frankly Yours,
Esq,Sven Andre Model
I remembered seeing something about this scam on the news, just
I remembered seeing something about this scam on the news, just wanted to see if anyone else had gotten this yet.
I've gotten e-mails like this, too. I've gotten ALOT of them (recently..) about PayPal. Just for future reference to everyone. If PayPal sends 'you' an e-mail (and it's a legit one) they will provide your name and User ID in the letter. If they don't, be aware it's a scam. AS SOON as you click it, whoever has sent it will get your e-mail address and User ID. If ANY of these e-mails sound 'too good to be true', it probably is.
I just cannot stand scammers. The sad part is I know someone wi
I just cannot stand scammers. The sad part is I know someone will fall for it too.
I know a few people who HAVE fallen for these scams. I work with the Elderly. One certain woman I work with, has gotten a few calls. This person, who called, said the woman ( gave her name) had won some lottery and needed to verify some of her information. Theu ALSO wanted an "insurance fee" to cover the money "which will be wired to her." They wanted a Credit Card or Bank account number. Yea...right.
Got the same scam emial, it's terrible that people have so much
Got the same scam emial, it's terrible that people have so much time on their hands to do this.
it's pathetic that people pray on the elderly and people in bad
it's pathetic that people pray on the elderly and people in bad spots in life
society in general is hoping for free money so badly that they'l
society in general is hoping for free money so badly that they'll believe anything.
Yes you are right, it is yet another problem with the mentality
Yes you are right, it is yet another problem with the mentality that we need to be "taken care of" rather than being self sufficient with less government involvement in ALL facets of our lives.
that is true. We're all guilty of it in one way or another.
that is true. We're all guilty of it in one way or another.
SMO65........I agree. ALOT of us try to be self-sufficient. There are 'programs' ( banks, finance companies, etc..) to help us out on things. However.....there is a difference between someone working for what they have and dealing with things THAT way..and..those people sitting around and expecting everyone else to pay their bills, etc. Don't misunderstand me..I DO know there are people who CAN'T work ( for physical, mental reasons..) and that's not THEIR fault. This 'bailout thing' can go BOTH ways.
I was talking more about the Sociialist rantings that I have bee
I was talking more about the Sociialist rantings that I have been hearing recently from politicians, all the way from State Reps up the line to one of the presidential candidates. I don't need the Government to help me, and most able-bodied people don't either. But since they get something for "free" (i.e. paid for by you and me via taxes), they'll take it. My husband comes from a sociialist country and mark my words, there is a civil war coming soon there, and most of their problems are DIRECTLY tied to the sociialistic mentality in their Government.
Ok guys, I really don't want this to degenerate into a politics
Ok guys, I really don't want this to degenerate into a politics debate....
No..JESSEE, I don't think it will ( on the forum, anyway..). Did anyone watch the Debate last night, by the way? I din't. Anyway...back to 'Scam e-mails'. Got a few more, on the internet, last night. There was one I got that ACTUALLY said i was " a decendent of a very wealthy gentleman...." Don 't these people ever give up?
ha! You are the 4th cousin twice removed of Lawrence Vanderbilt
ha! You are the 4th cousin twice removed of Lawrence Vanderbilt. You are entitled to a $250,000,000 inheritance. You only need to send us a small legal fee of $2000.00 to start the process.
Stuff like that just cracks me up.
That is a good question. Just got another one today too. Fro
That is a good question.
Just got another one today too.
From email [email][/email]
Dear Beneficiary,
Congratulations, The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
(N.N.P.C) has choosen you as one of the final receipient of
this year cash grant promotion.
To celebrate the 26th anniversary programme, N.N.P.C
is giving out the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty
Thousand United State Dollars (850,000.00 USD) to
5 lucky receipient as prize promotion for the year 2008
anniversary programme.
To file for your claim, You are to submit the
following information to the claims department
via email.
Full Name:....Address:......
Telephone:...Postal Code....
Contact Person: Mr.Gideon Ali.
Email: [email][/email]
Tel: +234-8074584033.
Do fill the above form completely and contact claims
department via email.
Yours sincerely,
Mr.Francis Bernard.
Director, N.N.P.C.
They're probably getting it from virus and spyware on peoples co
They're probably getting it from virus and spyware on peoples computers.
Here's great site where people have strung these guys along for
Here's great site where people have strung these guys along for months:
that is friggin hysterical. They just screw with those people f
that is friggin hysterical. They just screw with those people forever.
scammers !! in general !!!
you guy,s suck ! my nana lost so much due to you ! your a SHMUCK !!! THE LORD WILL GET YOU IN THE END !!! FOR YOUR EVILNESS HERE REMEMBER WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND :x
I feel bad about your nana, I hope you guys contacted the author
I feel bad about your nana, I hope you guys contacted the authorities.
I just got another scam email, this one from the UK lotto and EU
I just got another scam email, this one from the UK lotto and EURO Millions. Gotta love it.
Virtual World Direct
VWD Member Support
Commodore House
51 Conway Road
Colwyn Bay LL29 7AW
United Kingdom
Dear Winner,
Compliment of the day to you and your family.This email is to inform you
that your email address just won you ????500,000.00 (Five Hundred
ThousandGreat British Pounds) ongoing UK NATIONAL LOTTO and EURO
MILLIONS,From the International online programs held on the 29/10/2008 in
London the United Kingdom .To begin the processing of your prize you are to
contact the remittance department with the emails address provided
below through our accredited Prize Transfer agents as stated
Name: Mr.John Peter
E-mail: [email][/email]
Tell: +44 70457 13645
Contact him with your secret pin code UKNM:013458 and your referenc
numberUKNM:34058009/08.You are also advised to provide him with the
underlisted information as soon as possible: Claims Requirements:
1. Name in full-----------------------
2. Address----------------------------
4. Nationality/Religion---------------
5. Maritual Status--------------------
6. Age--------------------------------
7. Next Of Kin------------------------
8. Occupation-------------------------
9. Phone/Fax--------------------------
10. Present Country-------------------
If you do not contact your claims agent within 7 working days of this
Notification,your winnings would be revoked. Winners are advised to Keep
their winningdetails /information from the public to avoid Fraudulent
claim (IMPORTANT) pending the transfer/claim by Winner. My sincere
greetings to you are your family.
congratulations once again!
With Best Regards
Sir Tom Bride
Co-founder, Virtual World Direct
you can always tell a scam by the ton of misspelled words and ba
you can always tell a scam by the ton of misspelled words and bad grammar.
Yep ignore them. [samebox:5da45d9e23="paulmergel"]kinda like we
Yep ignore them.
[samebox:5da45d9e23="paulmergel"]kinda like we should ignore you.i think LOAN SHACK stinks on ice.that's where you go if you click his signature.[/samebox:5da45d9e23]
If you get a phone call,please check the ph number All genuine
If you get a phone call,please check the ph number
All genuine phone have + in frond of it
It is better to suspicious a foreign call if you dealing with money
I had same email... with a little word variation... be carefull.
I had same email... with a little word variation... be carefull.
they come up when new scams emails weekly last one i saw was tax
they come up when new scams emails weekly last one i saw was tax payment ones.
[QUOTE=jessiejamesprovost;355969]So I just got this e-mail a few minutes ago. Looks like a new scam. Just trying to give people a heads up. It came from email address [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
CABLEGRAM:HOTELINE PHONE= +2347033344357 or 0112347033344357
To whom it concern
I am Mr.Sven Andre Model, a United Nations foreign envoy to Africa and europe
for finance and special matters attached to IMF and EFCC Nigeria. Your email
address was among the outstanding beneficiary????????s whose fund has been
pending for so long and some hoodlums or rather radicals have been using this
opportunity to get money from you. Using the name of top personel's and cooperate
offices in Nigeria , Ghana, Benin Republic, Spain, Germany and london.
Please forgive them for the inefficiency but i promise to make sure that you receive
your entire fund and also get the culprits arrested immediately. Please you have to
reply this mail immediately you get it and call the above Phone Number so that we will
direct you to the bank where your money is at the moment and I promise you I will make
sure you get your money in less than 72 hours after this mail has been read and replied.
Frankly Yours,
Esq,Sven Andre Model
Nothing new, just another Nigerian-Connection Scam ;)
Nothing new, just another Nigerian-Connection Scam ;)