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Northway Financial, LLC Info.

Submitted by breaux.jennifer on Mon, 04/06/2009 - 11:55

I'm in the midst of settling my payday loans.

In the midst of this, I went to the BBB and entered the info. for Northway Financial Group. My husband's payday loan of $300 was borrowed on 3/23 and they debited his account $180.50 TWICE! He has paid back $61 over the principal.

We're in the process of closing down his individual checking account on Friday and then on Tuesday, getting in touch with them.

Here is the info. from the BBB:Back to top
BBB Rating

Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F.

Reasons for this rating include:
Number of complaints filed against business.
Failure to respond to complaints filed against business.
Number of complaints filed against business that were not resolved.
BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business.
Click here for an explanation of BBB Ratings

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Business Contact and Profile

Name: Cash Transfer Centers
Phone: (888) 740-2274
Fax: (604) 587-6339
Address: 400 15225 104 Ave
Surrey, BC V3R 6Y8
Principal: Kimberly DeThomas, President
Customer Contact: Kimberly DeThomas, President - (888) 740-2274
Email Address: [email][/email]
File Open Date: April 2008
TOB Classification: Payday Loans, Collection Agencies
BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names: E-Care Conact Centers
Northway Broker Limited
Northway Financial Corporation Ltd

You need to close down your checking account immediately, else they may again take out money from your account. Now, after you close down the checking account, the creditor will contact you for the debt and will be willing to settle the debt. Once they agree to settle the debt, get it in writing and pay off the remaining amount.

Submitted by novice on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 05:40


( Posts: 290 | Credits: )

breauxjennifer you owe CTC absolutely nothing! They are ILLEGAL and unlicensed in the U.S.. You are only obligated to pay what you borrowed. Since they have collected more than they should, you are done. Ensure you close your account immediately, or put a freeze on it untill it can be closed. Never settle with ILLEGAL lenders, they will take advantage of you and make you pay more than you should.

Submitted by Cool_Abyss on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 06:15


( Posts: 2936 | Credits: )

I have a cash advance with Cash Transfer Centers and i owe them 508 dollars (my loan amount is 400). Are you saying that I only have to pay them 400 since they are illegal and unlicensed?

Submitted by on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 06:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am over my head in payday loan debt. I have been reading the forums and found that one of the companies I had a loan with was illegal. I also have loans with other companies and just wanted to see the best way to handle them. - 130.00 (have paid well over the loan amount) - 780.00 (paid half, plus refinancing fees)

I just wanted to know if they were legal and what is the best way to get them to stop harrasing my bank account.

Submitted by on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 06:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


I have a cash advance with Cash Transfer Centers and i owe them 508 dollars (my loan amount is 400). Are you saying that I only have to pay them 400 since they are illegal and unlicensed?

Yes. CTC is based out of Malta. You need to only pay what you borrowed.

As for the other two PDLs, I believe they are ILLEGAL as well. What state are you in??

You are done with Eastside lenders.

Submitted by Cool_Abyss on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 06:37


( Posts: 2936 | Credits: )

If the loan is illegal/unlicensed they you only owe what you borrowed.

Any fees or rollover charges count towards that amount.

Cash Transfer is illegal. They are in Malta. If you borrowed $400 then you only owe them $400.

Nationwide and Eastside I beleive are also illegal.

What state are you in?

Submitted by nohiogal on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 06:37


( Posts: 2582 | Credits: )

I live in Columbus, Ohio. What should I do? I have already payed Nationwide cash over a thousand dollars and I still owe 130. I have not payed anything for Eastsidelenders yet, but I owe them 780 and my loan amount was only 700 and I have paid over 400 in refinancing fees.

Submitted by on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 06:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Eastside lenders and Nationwide cash are required to be licensed in the state of Ohio. I doubt they are, you can check your state DFI for more information.

If they are not licensed then they are ILLEGAL to lend in your state. You only owe the principal balance borrowed on those two loan. Any interest fees you paid are Illegal and counts towards the principal balance. So if you paid $400 in fees that reduces your principal amount to Nationwide to only $300.

READ this link for more info.

You need to close your account immediately first thing! Hang tight I will check to see if these two are licensed.

Submitted by Cool_Abyss on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 06:55


( Posts: 2936 | Credits: )

I have looked up all of my loan info and it is as follows: - loan on 4-1-09 (400) paid (0) - loan on 2-5-09 (600) paid (720 as of today) - loan on 11-10-08 (400) paid (1305 as of today)

I have printed off the letter to be sent, but I just want to double check and make sure I am doing the right thing. Is it possible for you to give me a checklist of everything I have to do? I greatly appreciate your help!!

Submitted by on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 08:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

1. Close or freeze account. Make sure it can not be opened again by an ACH hitting it.

2. Send out the letters to the illegal PDLs stating you have already paid them what you legally owe or what you still legally owe. You can send these via email, certified letter with return receipt and fax. Do not fax from your work.

3. They will contact you once they cannot get the payment. They will make threats and claim they are legal. CTC will claim the laws of Malta over see the laws in the US and your state, blah blah blah

They can not do a thing as they are illegal but they will threaten it. Do not speak with them on the phone. If they call hang up. The letter states email or USPS only and stick to it.

Everytime they send an email stating you owe more than you do send them the letter again. Do not fold and only pay what you legally owe which is what you borrowed.

Layout your payment arrangements to them. Only agree to make payment by MO or prepaid Visa. Do not give them your new acccont number ever.

Submitted by nohiogal on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 08:46


( Posts: 2582 | Credits: )

Quote: - loan on 4-1-09 (400) paid (0) - loan on 2-5-09 (600) paid (720 as of today) - loan on 11-10-08 (400) paid (1305 as of today)

All ILLEGAL and two are way overpaid.

Eastside lenders owes you a $120 refund!
Nationwide cash owes you a $905 refund *geez* :?
Cash Transfer Centers only is owed $400 nothing more!

Submitted by Cool_Abyss on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 08:53


( Posts: 2936 | Credits: )