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Have a Very Merry Christmas

Submitted by FYI on Tue, 12/22/2009 - 21:37
Posts: 1950

This year I am blessed. I have been blessed every year. I might not have everything I want financially, but I have everything I want and need emotionally.

All four of my children are talented in their own ways, they are smart, healthy and are very understanding when they don't get those expensive presents for their birthdays or on the holidays. I have a husband who still inspires me to be a better person, even when I am frustrated and angry with him! I am blessed with wonderful friends and family.

I know I am not around on th is site very often anymore but I am blessed with the experience I have gained from the people here, and with the friendships I have made.

I wish everyone a very merry Christmas!


Hey Fyi,
Good to see you and I wish you a Merry Christmas.It has been a difficult year for me with a lay off ans some medical issues. I am blessed with having very good doctors and a good wife who has stood by me thru good and bad. My boss just offered me christmas off and it he does it will indeed be a merry day for me as I have worked many of them on these god forsaken rigs.

Submitted by cajunbulldog on Wed, 12/23/2009 - 03:55


( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

its great to see someone thankful for the important things. Alot of times i think we all get bummed about the financial situation and forget about what we still do have. I posted not too long ago that just to be alive is a blessing, or to have healthy children, and a roof over your head for atleast 1 more year alot of people dont have those few simple things. merry christmas everyone and hope your new years starts the year out even better!

Submitted by love_my_things on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 10:38


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