Payments for debtcc points - August, 2006
Date: Fri, 08/04/2006 - 04:19
Payments for debtcc points - August, 2006
We have transferred your payment by cheque. Here is a snapshot for you:

We are thankful to you for your active participation. Keep helping the community members. :)
Hi finsfan13, Your payment is processed and is transferred to
Hi finsfan13,
Your payment is processed and is transferred to your paypal account. Below is the snapshot of your payment details:
We are grateful to you for your contribution towards strengthening this community. Keep up the good work.
Congrats fins, I see the status of your payment unclaimed. Haven
Congrats fins, I see the status of your payment unclaimed. Haven't you taken it yet?
oh, nope...I haven't gone into my account yet. don't worry, I'll
oh, nope...I haven't gone into my account yet. don't worry, I'll get it!
well that's weird...why on earth does it still say unclaimed?
well that's weird...why on earth does it still say unclaimed?
Hi finsfan13 Have you claimed your paypal account? If not, pl
Hi finsfan13
Have you claimed your paypal account? If not, please claim it. Read the claiming instruction given in the mail sent by paypal to you. I'm not sure if you mean the status written in your payment snapshot. It's just an image.
Thanks Mike...It took me awhile to figure it out, but I finally
Thanks Mike...It took me awhile to figure it out, but I finally did. I claimed it last night.
Hi JJ We have sent your forum payment by cheque. Please have
We have sent your forum payment by cheque. Please have a look at the payment snapshot below:
We are really grateful to you for all your hard work to help our members and for your active contribution for the growth of this community.
Hi Bossy4455, We have issued a check for you, here are the pa
Hi Bossy4455,
We have issued a check for you, here are the payment details-
It's really nice to have members like you within the community. We appreciate all your supports and help that you tendered to the community. Thanks for being there.
Thanks Vikas!And to all who helped me.This forum saved my sanity
Thanks Vikas!And to all who helped me.This forum saved my sanity and helped educate me on debt related issues,rights,and how to become debt free,which I am trying to become :D Thanks...Karen
Hi finsfan, Here is the snap of your payment- Congratu
Hi finsfan,
Here is the snap of your payment-
Congratulations, keep the good work going.
Hi Sue, You requested for DebtCC point redemption, here is th
Hi Sue,
You requested for DebtCC point redemption, here is the screenshot of payment transfer-
Hi Seeing_the_Light, Your payment has been transferred to you
Hi Seeing_the_Light,
Your payment has been transferred to your paypal account, here are the details-
Hi kevntn, You are receiving DebtCC forum payment for the fir
Hi kevntn,
You are receiving DebtCC forum payment for the first time. It??????????????????????????????????????s nice to have you as a community member, keep posting in the forum, your posts can help who in need.
Here is the snap of your payment-
Thanks Vikas for being so prompt!! I really appreciate it and s
Thanks Vikas for being so prompt!! I really appreciate it and so will my car when it gets it's new tires!
Hi Sue, You requested for another round of redemption, we ha
Hi Sue,
You requested for another round of redemption, we have transferred the payment to your paypal account. Here is the snapshot.
Thanks Vikas! I really appreciate your promptness...and so does
Thanks Vikas! I really appreciate your promptness...and so does my car w/it's new tires :)
Yea for Sue,Mishelle,and everybody else :D ..Karen
Yea for Sue,Mishelle,and everybody else :D ..Karen