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Heathmill / Cashtoday shareholders and directors

Submitted by on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 13:23
Posts: 202330

Good Afternoon.

I have the 363s Annual Return for Cash Today Limited, for your viewing pleasure. I also have the tif's of the UK parent company, (surprise, surprise The Heathmill Village), and the Ultimate parent company, Harris Holdings, Ltd. Not too surprising that the names of the directors are interchangeable with the names of the share holders.

Hi Polly,

I appreciate your idea of sharing information with debt consolidation Care community. This is an open forum and all are welcome here to share their thoughts, however, the posts should conform Terms and Conditions of the site.

You can email me embedding the .tif files as attachment. I will review those files and will post in the forum, provided it does not go against the Terms and Conditions.

Please mail to Vikas. You can find the email id of Vikas here

Best Regards,

Submitted by Vikas on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 14:13


( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

You moved this on me! LOL I thought you had deleted it.
Anywhoz..Vikas, I am about to send you an email.

I am leary about placing any of my information online, especially since the registration form is not secure site in that the 's' is missing from the 'http'

Submitted by on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 06:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Here is my yahoo need to delete the link there is absolutely no personal information:)

I am a 6'1" female red head from the US, who loves to research. Kid lover, animal lover, grew up on a farm. My Dad is a pastor. I can milk a cow, bail hay, but I spend 90% of my time in front of a computer:)

I understand the need for trust, because I do not trust anybody but myself and my parents.

Link made inactive as per forum rules-Mike

Submitted by on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 06:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


The really interesting tid bit of information that I uncovered is that the address for the sole share holder of Cash Today (Harris Holdings), is the address of RBC Holdings (Channel Islands) Limited, and Royal Bank of Canada (Channel Islands)Limited. Royal Bank of Canada is a HUGE bank, that extends throughout the Globe. They have a huge presence in the US.

Submitted by on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 08:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been corresponding via email with a retired attorney who my contact at the Consumer Federation of America referred me too.

I believe this is bigger than a civil suit, although I am quite certain that someone would do this pro bono for the purpose of class action. If I am correct this will be a criminal matter initially. If I am correct this is tax fraud, among other things.

I need to format all of my research into something nice to send to all of the AG's, FBI, Secret Service, yadayadayada...

I have been at this for almost 2 months, and I have about 500 websites, and about 200 word documents! LOL So basically I need to organize it.

I have been in contact with the AG in Nevada all along, and the Deputy AG in California for the last couple of weeks, so I have already forwarded them the rough research. I want to get in contact with the AG of New York directly, because from what I understand, he is very zealous, and he does not play around when it comes to consumers rights.

Submitted by on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 09:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Please register with the site. I would love to chat with you because I have been doing some research on another payday loan company in my spare time. I know Cash Today has victimized countless people. I never had a loan with them and I'm grateful for that. The other company has victimized countless others too, including myself. We must bad together to get these places shut down and held accountable for their illegal activity. We are starting a new group called the payday loan avengers LOL!

Submitted by Cow & Chicken on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 11:49

Cow & Chicken

( Posts: 3571 | Credits: )



Polly, actually we do not want to see you being deprived from the benefits that the registered members of this community can get. Among all the good stuffs, Blogs are the most favorite to me. debt consolidation Care offers a space to the members for their own use. You can communicate with others through your blog as well!

Submitted by stanley on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 13:29


( Posts: 1639 | Credits: )

An official welcome from our community. We will try and help as much as possible. But

  • Make sure no personal information is posted to the site (about anyone). We do not want to harm any person.
  • Reveal all the truth but with proper evidence as we as a community should build our credibilty in the world.
  • No bad words(you know what I mean :) )please. We all are good people over here :).

Expect all help from all of us. We will unviel all truth for people in debt. We will be true Samaritans for the debt world.

Thank You so much for joining us Polly,
Debt Tintin

Submitted by BlogTintin on Fri, 03/10/2006 - 00:44


( Posts: 168 | Credits: )

Neither Heathmill nor its subsidiary CashToday are licensed in Virginia for short-term small (payday) loan lending. There is a legitimate business that has registered the fictitious name, "Cash Today", in Virginia, Brooke Enterprises, Inc., in SouthWestern Va., and Heathmill's use of "Cash Today" is infringing that business' legitimate trade name.

Submitted by Virginia-Legal-Defense on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 07:25


( Posts: 260 | Credits: )

Look what I just found!


FT-124033124033 FT 11 DEC 93 / UK Company News: DTI acts against City and Westminster directors By PEGGY HOLLINGER The Department of Trade and Industry is seeking to disqualify four former directors of City and Westminster, the finance house which collapsed in 1991, from acting as directors.
The department said yesterday that disqualification proceedings against Mr Aaron Gershfield, Mr Ivor Gershfield, Mr Andrew Greystoke, and Mr Ian Harries relating to their activities as directors of the finance house had been lodged with the High Court yesterday.
The action was taken under under Section 6 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986. This states that directors will be disqualified for unfit conduct or if they have been on the boards of insolvent companies.
The penalty is disqualification for between two and 15 years.
Each of the four have been directors of several liquidated or dissolved companies. Some of the active companies in which they are currently listed as directors are: the Householders Association, where Mr Ivor Gershfield was recently named as a general manager - Mr Aaron Gershfield and Mr Harries; Computerised Arts and Typesetting - Mr Aaron Gershfield and Mr Harries; Mineco Designs - Mr Ivor Gershfield.
The DTI action arises from City and Westminster. A court date has been set for February 7.
City and Westminster went into receivership on Friday December 13 1991 after a turbulent two years as a public company. Mr Greystoke brought City and Westminster to the market through a reverse takeover in 1989. His City and Westminster Financial, a minor corporate finance house, and some Gershfield family interests were injected in to AM Group, a quoted film and television services company.
However, he soon resigned as chairman and chief executive, along with three other directors, and was replaced by Mr Ivor Gershfield and his son, Aaron.
The following year, the DTI looked into the reverse takeover and a Pounds 5m capital raising. Questions had been raised over a shareholders circular which, it was alleged, had not revealed the full impact of a put option granted by CWF to an Isle of Man company.
City and Westminster also launched legal proceedings against some advisers to the reverse takeover claiming that full disclosure had not been made.
City and Westminster Group. GBZ United Kingdom, EC. P6099 Functions Related to Deposit Banking. PEOP People. London Page 12

Submitted by polly on Sat, 04/08/2006 - 19:12


( Posts: 1709 | Credits: )

I worked for these guys at the whetstone address- they treat their sales staff like s***, do not pay employees tax or national insurance, employ illegal immigrants, and ought to to have been shut down years ago. AG is a real piece of work

Submitted by on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 06:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It's been a while since Polly posted about contacting AGs with consolidated information from her Cash Today investigation. I am a Georgia AG and very interested. She can PM me when she is ready. I also have an attorney reference for possible class action. As y'all may know, most payday lending is illegal in GA and the penalties are stiff. That has stopped most of the store fronts here, but the internet business is booming with Cash2day and related sites topping the list of complaints I have received.

Submitted by amy.burns on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 11:00


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I also worked for AG, they have many many companies running from this address in Whetstone. They have now moved onto mobile corporate eye testing, frames and making lenses. AG is one of the most aggressive and arrogant people I have ever met, even his fellow Directors quiver when he comes into the room.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 10:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Sadly AG is still in Whetstone, Northway House. They are operating as eyecare international promoting their services to some really big corporate clients. Serviceyes and clearavision to opticians. Terrifyingly they are also moving on to bodycare and automobile care. They are just in it to make a quick buck and are making some huge mistakes along the way - If they can't get it right with peoples glasses imagine the havoc they will cause when dealing with test results and blood samples! They are scam artists and con men. Why are they allowed to operate? Still employ illegal workers, still treat their staff like dirt - nothing will change until they are shut down permanently.

Submitted by on Tue, 12/15/2009 - 10:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The scary part is these freaks are getting in the haulage business also! Illegal immigrants building home made Blue Peter style trailers is an accident waiting to happen. When will they be shut down for good?

OK1083476 R
New operating centre: WAREHOUSE UNIT, 100, COLINDEEP LANE , LONDON NW9 6HB (0 vehicle(s), 0 trailer(s))
New authorisation at this operating centre will be: 10 vehicle(s), 0 trailer(s)

Submitted by on Fri, 01/29/2010 - 19:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Isn't this the same Gershfield in this Transview case?

If so, there's something less than honest about him!

For example,

  • The judge found that
    [INDENT]"144. ???it is in my judgment most unlikely that Aaron Gershfield delivered the supposed side letter to Jeffrey Green Russell's offices on 1st December. Whether his recollection is completely imagined or reconstructed from a dim recollection of his having delivered or collected a relevant document shortly before 6pm on the previous day is now impossible to ascertain. Whatever its source I reject the evidence that he delivered a side letter on 1st December." [/INDENT]

    Isn't that a fancy British way of saying "your a** is lyin' Gershfield"?

  • Submitted by on Wed, 02/10/2010 - 20:16

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    Fanstatic! I remember when I was there they were always parading around a bunch of new starters none one whom ever lasted more than a few weeks! It became a joke amongst those who worked there. We'd take bets on who would last longest. That's the only way we could get through working at that place.

    Submitted by on Sat, 03/20/2010 - 05:53

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    I worked for them for 8 years and loved it. AG is not scary, he's just determined. He does treat his call centre staff a bit rubbish because he's old fashioned and can't be doing with people complaining and not working hard enough. He pushed me into roles I would never have taken, gave me pay rises all the time and when I felt I'd done all I could I got work at another company in a very highly paid job.

    Submitted by on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 04:18

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    It is true he does hire illegal immigrants, he runs the companies with an iron fist. AG plays the bad cop (instictively) Ian Harries plays the good cop. The main holding company is; and new venture

    Submitted by on Wed, 04/07/2010 - 05:25

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    Lesley WWW, PLEASE do NOT go work for these crooks. It's okay if you have already though, as they'll fire you in a few weeks anyway! This place is a joke and only really stupid, tools who can't work elsewhere end up working there, hello Sandeep, Yogesh????

    Submitted by on Wed, 06/09/2010 - 05:08

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    Lookie here . . . another business the Heathmill people are running into the ground. I'm sure Barnet Environmental Health will be interested in knowing about this!Coffee & TeaseHigh Road, LondonAverage User Rating - 2 / 10 (1 reviews)Northway house1379 High Road, WhetstoneLondon, N20 9LPTelephoneCoffee & TeaseLondon RegionWhetstoneLondonNearest StationTotteridge & WhetstoneBusiness TypeCafes, Snack Shops & Tea RoomsUser ReviewsWe have 1 user reviews for Coffee & TeaseAdd your own Review2 out of 10 starsI had the misfortune of going to this place last week and it was awful! There's not parking and even though I tried to park in the designated area, I was told I had to park in the office area. Once inside, I was confronted by some old hag that looked like Magda from There's Something About Mary. The latte was lukewarm, but the noise level was deafening. There were screaming babies everywhere! To top it off, the toiltets were filthy with dirty nappies in the sink, and water dripping through the ceiling. How does this place stay in business? It seems to be a doss house for mothers with nowhere to go on the rainy day. A thoroughly miserable experience. There are two respectable coffee shops up the high road that I shall stick to in the future.

    Submitted by on Thu, 08/05/2010 - 05:58

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    I used to work in the coffe shop in this building (Coffee & Tease) which is also owned by Gershfield, before I Was fired by the manager Loretta. They are so badly organised and the food went bad because of fridge problems but they would heat things up and sell them anyway. Interestingly, Gershfield never ate anything from here as I always saw him come in with a Marks & Spencer bag.

    The place is dirty and should be closed down.

    Submitted by on Thu, 08/05/2010 - 10:11

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    Gosh, those are some names from the past. Sandeep is still there? He was absolutely useless at every task they gave him. I'm not sure if he's actually qualified to do anything anyway. And Yogesh? Well the less said the better really. I can't believe this company, Heathmill, A Safer Place to Buy, Meade Investments, Transview Properties (and the multiple new names) are still going. What illegal scam are they pulling now?

    Submitted by on Mon, 08/09/2010 - 04:28

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    This is one of the most illegal operations around! Run by the twice bankrupt British millionaire, Aaron Greshfield and his father Ivor, their companies have globally defraided millions of people for upwards of a quater Billion dollars! Some of the companies they have include:Cash2DayGlobal Financial ServicesICSInterim CashWaterfront InvestmentsRovinge InternationalThe Heathmill VillageCash On The NiteHeathmill MultimediaMeade InvestmentsThe Harris HoldingsEyecare InternationalCoffee & Tease LtdACH Cash LtdSurepride InvestmentsMcCarthy & AllenTransview Properties LtdCorporate Office ServicesThe Harris Trust Bodycare InternationalRoute 66 Funding Prime FactorNorthway House Business ServicesFlexible MobilityA Safer Place to BuyClearavision Automobilecare LtdJust to name a few. They all have the common ownership traced back through various offshore dummy corporations to Aaron Gershfield, even though he was struck off from being a director for more illegal dealings with City & Westminister. Do not, under any circumstances, pay any money to, or do any business with, any company with these, or similar sounding names. They are all illegal, not licensed to do business in any US state or anyplace else worldwide and pay no taxes anywhere. All of the companies are based out of 1379 High Road, Whetstone, North London, England N20 9LP though they will deny the existance or their involvement in the illegal activity of these companies. They pay illegal immigrants pennies and until recently, ran a call centre from this address (which has now moved to the Dominican Republic) so they can continue their illegal activites unchecked.

    Submitted by on Mon, 08/09/2010 - 05:54

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    If this is the same Eyecare International, then I'd expect nothing less! Last year, they came to our office park and we were given this fantastic talk by one of their reps about how simple and convenient it was to use them. I've never needed glasses but because the test was free and our HR people pushed signing up, I went ahead and got tested. The test itself was the only decent part, though the trailer they test is, a "Tardis" they stupdily call it, was freezing cold and wobbled every time someone moved. They told me I needed glasses and "bendable" frames. I told them I really didn't want any, but they must work on commission so they kept pressing on. Eventually, they badgered me into taking some sunglasses, which I was on the fence about, but they wouldn't let me leave until I'd signed a direct debit and sales agreement.A few days later, I saw the same pair cheaper at Vision Express and so I emailed my "Personal Manager" telling him I didn't want to proceed with my order. I didn't hear anyhting for a few weeks, so I didn' think much more of it. But then I started getting these ridiculous emails from "my glassess" telling me I needed to go collect them. I would also get constant emails stating I had a balance and needed to pay them. I would repeatedly respond to the emails but this only seemed to cause more emails to be sent out. And when I called them, they never answered the phone.After many many months of this, they finally stopped, but only because so many other people complained to our HR Director, that she contacted them and sorted the whole mess out. Needless to say, we're not having these amatures around again! I'd stay well away as they clearly don't know what they are doing and employ high pressure sales tactics to force people to buy things that they don't need.

    Submitted by on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 07:01

    ( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

    It is fasinating to read these posts. I did a long stint in the earlier years and loved the variety of work and experience gained. Every day was a challenge and every week I would sigh at the new initiative or whirlwind idea from AG. He has a loyal handful of long term employees who are grossly overpaid for their skillsets and realise they cant earn the same money in a 'real' establishment. This core group know the way Aaron works, they can turn his ideas into reality in a fraction of the time a proper accountant, project manager or developer resource would take (and they ask no questions and get on with it, helped along by the odd incentive or bonus). I decided to get out when I started taking my frustration and anger home with me and generally feeling shit about myself and the unprofessional way 'we' were operating. I dont regret my years there except I should have perhaps got out sooner and cemented a career path earlier. Good memories overall and met some very decent people along the way. AG has an incredible brain - he is unique and will find a new venture as each one fails. There should be a law against him continuing to do what he does especially when he tries to dabble with peoples livelihoods e.g. finances, healthcare, eyes etc. Maybe one day he will actually make some money, not blow it on another stupid idea, do the World a favour and retire. Oh My God just thought...his Son must be close to working age and ripe for taking over the Gershfield empire!!! If you are considering what for one of Aaron's companies, you need to have no morales, be able to work your bollocks off, be verbally abused for everything you do, but on the flip side you might get well paid and you will most certainly gain an appreciation for the next job.

    this thread is locked.i'm sick of seeing this.

    Submitted by on Mon, 08/23/2010 - 03:04

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