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Anyone been sued by Chase or MBNA

Submitted by mattyk151 on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 11:54
Posts: 24

Has anyone ever been sued by chase or MBNA? How long did it take for them to sue you? I know that every company has the right to sue you but I've heard that Citi is usually the only one that takes the time and funds to do it.

How much is the total amount of debt you owe? I don't think they will file a case if the debt is too low to cover the court costs and attorney fees. Even if it is done, you can work out arrangements outside the court. Cover your basis with proper documentation so that you can prove your responsibility in front of the judge

Submitted by Gretchin on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 12:09


( Posts: 482 | Credits: )

Have you offered your payment proposal to both of these companies. Explain your financial problems and work out easy repayment options with them. Remember, they will like to have their money back and taking the matter to the court is an expensive matter and not an easy solution. Give your negotiations a good touch. If possible, send some money in advance along with your proposal. If they cash the check, your proposal will be considered as accepted. Also, send letters certified with return receipt requested.

Submitted by Gretchin on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 12:39


( Posts: 482 | Credits: )

You can still settle the matter outside the court. Have you discussed the issue with a debt counselor. He might be able to arrange a settlement for you with these companies. Compare your options before you make the final decisions. You will have to be quick with your actions as the court date is likely to be fixed

Submitted by Gretchin on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 14:07


( Posts: 482 | Credits: )

CitiBank, MBNA, Applied Card Bank......they will all follow suit......Citibank is the toughest then MBNA, then the rest. I don't mean to be negative here about all of this but i don't think it's fair to lead anyone down the primrose path either. now in most cases these companies want to work with you because they don't want it to actually go to court. you may get an actual court date and that does NOT mean they still can't dismiss it. Heck, i had to do citibank by myself since I was ditched by my rep at Lawgistix...If your interested in how i did this i can tell you ........but if your not interested I don't want to waste the time typing it all out.

The most important thing to remember is that you won't go to jail and this is really not a big deal. i mean yes it's stressful with the money situation but it can be worked out here. how many debts do you have again....see, i have over 60 accounts with 23 in R9 status. that's charge offs so i do know what i'm talking about here.

Submitted by quietsound on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 14:43


( Posts: 50 | Credits: )

my husband make 96 payments and has only 4900,00 to day they refuse(chase) accepted payments from him and he continue try to pay chase and academy send us a bill of9128.85 and other debt collector send a bill for 5000,00 in the same time.i have the other debt collector charge here and i dont find now. i know that academy collection service,inc helps the lawyer make more bill for us;11.000,00 with fees of the court.i have proof here that my husband overpaid this account but i didnt take any proof to this court because i didnt know debt consolidation care forum.the lawyer begin to send letters here that go to take my husband to the court.i didnt show my husband the letters(blind)and when the oficial (guard)came in the building scream about the day of the court.i just was think in one thing:revenge!we went to the court with all his papers like social security disability earnings(599,00) and welfare husband has a collection of credit cards that he pays when he had good vision and has a 1000 for week in nyc about 13 years ago.i didnt spoke because i dont speak good english and in front of the judge you have to be in silence and only answers what the judge ask you and the judge was asking my husband ,not me.I ONLY HANDLE TO THE JUDGE PAPERS OF MY HUSBAND.the young lawyer was very nervous because he saw our situation.the judge say:this is a pretty OLD ACCOUNT AND NOTHING more.... the credit report of my husband(2006) says;chase na account 8917,00 and the fees disapear(11000) and go to be removed in 2008.this CHASE BANK CONTINUE TO CHASE US FOR APPLY for new accounts here.

Submitted by on Fri, 06/09/2006 - 08:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It's worth a shot to call your creditors to see if they will put you on some kind of payment plan. I can tell you that MBNA will not do this UNTIL your in default! This makes no sense to me at all.

It does not hurt to try and talk with them....they don't just run out to sue you anyway. They usually send out letters to you when your 60 days late in most cases and then call you IF they have your number. It takes almost 6 months to turn it over to collections and I'm sitting here a year later and just starting to get warrants. So they just don't run out and give you warrants when your 60 days late! So you do have time to come up with something.

I guess the bottom line really is......why are you going to be late........if it's lack of money then the problem would be to try to fix that. If you borrow money, that's more money you will have to pay back and if you don't have money now, then that really is not an option.

It's just very hard out there today and everyone is really in the same boat!

Your doing the right thing though by exploring all your options.

Submitted by quietsound on Fri, 06/09/2006 - 09:22


( Posts: 50 | Credits: )

I can tell you from experience...Chase is the WORST company to work with for ANYTHING.

I have a checking account with them, they are constantly making mistakes and we have to call to correct them. If you deposit cash, it takes it 3-4 days to be available in your account to use, checks are even longer.

I have a mortgage with them, and one day out of the blue, after 6 yrs, they decide they are going to make us an escrow account and escrow our taxes which we have always paid on our own. I pulled my original contract where I signed a waiver of escrow, and they still refuse to remove it, so our payment went up by $300 per month. Our taxes and insurance are paid for the year, so what are they escrowing? So, I have to get an attorney for that.

We also had two credit cards with them. I was going back to school, which I knew would make money tight because I would have to quit work. So I called them ahead of time, explained my situation, and they said that I had to be in default to qualify for anything...NICE! So, of course, I ended up in default, so after 30 days late, I called again...NOT LATE ENOUGH they said!! So, 60 days went by, and they said I didn't meet the minimum qualifications for assistance. So, I just went on to pay the ones who were willing to work with me, like Discover, and told Chase where to stick it. Not good for the credit, but not much of a choice. I graduated last month, and will be making about $20-25 an hour now, so will be able to slowly catch up...but Chase can still kiss my bootie!

Submitted by on Fri, 06/09/2006 - 11:34

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i just find here notice of filling and is from law office of andreu &palm llp(attorneys for plantiff)with day of court 17 th day of august 2004.account from 11-18-92 number 4226 9355 0001 **** IN 2-10-2002 and credit line 4900,00 and minimium payment due in 2-08-2002 is 5608.76 and new balance is 9267,00.he has a payment of 40,00 in 2-08-2002 and overlimit fee was 29,00 and late charge was 35,00 and finance charge current cash?64.75 and finance charge of 119, may avoid additional finance charges on purchases IF YOU PAID BY THIS DAte.... 6188,52.(BIG SAVINGS LIKE IF YOU DONT PAY YOU HAVE TO PAID 11.000 FOR ALL FEES OF COURT AND ATTORNEYS!!! my husband used this credit card long time ago in nyc .I KNOW MY HUSBAND ALWAYS PAYS HIS BILLs and everybody can see he made a payment of 40,00 but they didnt want only husband has 4 cards of chase and when he get a 1000,oo for week he pays 3 cards totally and put them(3 cards) in 0 1996 he became blind and in social security disability about 590,00 with increases of dollar every year(600,00 in 2006) and he pays less money to them but he has paid ChasE and he stoped to pay them when he has send checkS and they didnt acceptED the checks for put the account very high and i show everybody how this notice of filling is unfair and i have to find here a paper from 2003 that he ownes only 5000,00.this people always think that they are winners but they are losers.I"m a Winner because i found debt consolidation care forum and today if i go to the court i go to take all THE Proofs i have here and my husband go to be free of blood suckers and LOAN sharks.

Submitted by on Sat, 06/10/2006 - 16:26

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