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New Email SCAM!!

Date: Tue, 06/13/2006 - 15:02

Submitted by Seeing_the_Light
on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 15:02

Posts: 529 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 39

New Email SCAM!!

New Barn Lane
GL42 4LZ
Susan Charity # 2882154


My name is Susan Patrick and I am an artist. I live in England, with
my two kids, one dog cat birds and the love of my life. It is
definitely a full house. I have been doing artwork since I was a small
child when I was in Canada were I took interest in arts that gives me
about 23 years of experience. I majored in art in high school and took
a few college art courses. Most of my work is done in either pencil or
airbrush mixed with color pencils. I have recently added designing and
creating artwork on the computer. I have been selling my art for the
last 4 to 5 years and have had my work featured on trading cards,
prints and in magazines. I have sold in galleries, museums and to
private collectors from all around the world. I am always facing
serious difficulties when it comes to selling my art works to
Americans; they are always offering to pay with a US POSTAL MONEY
ORDER, which is difficult for me to cash here in England.

I am looking for a representative in the states who will be working
for me as a par time worker and I am willing to pay for every
transaction, which wouldn't affect your present state of work, someone
who would help me receive payments from my customers in the states. I
mean someone that is responsible and reliable, because the cost of
coming to the states and getting payments is very expensive, I am
working on setting up a branch in the state, and so for now I need a
representative in the United States who will be handling the payment

These payments are in money order and they would come to you in your
name, so all you need do is cash the money order deduct your
percentage and wire the rest back. But the problem I have is trust.
But I have my way of getting anyone that gets away with our money; I
mean the FBI branch in Washington gets involved. It wouldn't cost u
any amount, u are to receive payments which will be sent to u by FedEx
or USPS from my business partners, which would come in form of a money
order then u are to cash it and send the cash to me via western union
money transfer all western union charges will be deducted from the
money. If you are interested, please get back to me as soon as

Regards Susan

Please stay away from this!! New email scam running...just FYI.

yeah, the crazy thing is that I have all sorts of SPAM blockers on my email account, and somehow, this snuck in!! My mom is also bad about falling for these. She JUST learned how to use email like 6 months ago, and she had so many viruses on her computer for clinking on crazy ads and things. I had to "tutor" her on how to NOT click on every "your the 1,000,000th visitor! you've won $1,000,000" ad she saw!


Submitted by Seeing_the_Light on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 15:18

( Posts: 529 | Credits: )

That's what is so scary,these people go under the guise of being legit and people fall for it. Hopefully someone will take that letter to your local newspaper and they or the local news can warn people. I know our local news has done several warnings to people when it was brought to their attention...Karen


Submitted by Bossy4455 on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 15:32

( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

that's great...I didn't know that!

This kind of scam really effects more than those who are willing to do the "money order cashing" though. Think of the poor people who they are stealing from to get those money orders in the first place. I had something similar happen to me after getting scammed by that "deposit for loan" place. About 2 weeks after it happened, someone hacked into my bank account online and set up a BillPay payee to this guy, who, after I contacted him, told me that he'd been chatting online with this girl from Africa who said "a friend" of hers was going to be sending him a check so he could send it to her for her to come to America to see him...isn't that unbelievable!?! :shock:

So, after that incident, I am SOOOO careful of who I give my info to...and that's NO ONE!! :wink:


Submitted by Seeing_the_Light on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 15:36

( Posts: 529 | Credits: )

My all time favorite is the Nigerian super model scam!

She introduces herself as a "Super model" from Nigeria. Her story is that her husband died in a
refugee camp and left a billionkadzillion dollars
behind. Only problem is that the money is in the US,
and it will be deposited in a US Bank Account!

I didn't realize there were that many super Models
in Nigeria!


Submitted by Roadwarrior on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 13:38

( Posts: 637 | Credits: )

I read that! It's a good one. There is one more in which the son says that his father has left a huge inheritance for him and he wants to use that money for business. He doesn't know anything about business so he asks for our help. He will give a huge share in this. He has so much of trust, never fears if we run over with his money. God!! I wish money grew on trees. :wink:


Submitted by keystrokes on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 15:24

( Posts: 495 | Credits: )

Also, watch out for a Sheila19857 posting in your blog a request to use your blog as a link to a book called "Terrorismisreal" that she says is banned on both google and, which is not true since I checked that out myself. When I first read this post, I got a little wierded out, thinking that if I honored her request, the FBI would soon be knocking on my door to arrest me for conspiracy to commit terror. That wasn't the case though, what we did find is that that particular username is behind all kinds of spamming!


Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 18:47

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

This is something that has showed up in my IN box. Now why would someone that does not know me from Adam want to give me her money! I removed the email addrss stuff on here. Now I will gladly take anything anyone wants to give me as far as money goes, but to have someone email me from out of nowhere, well, that sounds a little fishy to me! :)



My name is Mrs.Hannah Jack Williams I am a dying woman who have
decided to donate what I have to you/Organization. I am 59 years old
and I was diagnosed for cancer about 2 years ago,immediately after the
death of my husband, who had left me everything he worked for. I have
been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late
husband to you for the good work of God than allow my relatives to use
my husband hard earned funds ungodly.

Please pray that the good Lord forgive me my sins. I have asked God to
forgive me and I believe he has because He is a merciful God. i will
be going in for an operation tomorrow morning I decided to WILL/donate
the sum of $3,500,000(Three million five hundred thousand dollars) to
you/Organization for the good work of the lord, and also to help the
motherless and less privilege and also for the assistance of the
widows according to (JAMES 1:27).

At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls right now due to the
fact that my relatives are around me and my health status. I have
adjusted my WILL and my Executor is aware I have changed my will, you
and him will arrange the transfer of the funds from the Private
Finance company to your humble self.

This decision was taking after going through your personal profile. I
wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly,
Please use the funds well and always extend the good work to others.

Contact my Executor with this specified Email:
Email addres: barr_edwardhayeschambaxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Email addres: barr_edwardhayescxxxxxxxxxxxxx_________________________________________

with your full names contact telephone/fax number and your full
address and tell him that I have WILLED($3,500,000.00) to you and I
have also notified him that I am WILL-IN that amount to you for a
specific and good work. Thanks and God bless.

NB: I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this matter until
the task is accomplished as I dont want anything that will Jeopardize
my last wish.And Also I will be contacting you by email as I dont want
my relation or anybody to know because they are always around me.

Mrs.Hannah Jack Williams


Submitted by 2nband on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 15:39

( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

We have enough americans to take care of, my personal money won't go for foreign import. Don't buy foreign made cars, clothes or services. We have a whole population of starving artists here.

I didn't even read the whole letter, get irritated by that crap. Sally Field on TV with the starving kids, etc, etc, etc. We have enough poverty right here in the good ole USA to take care of.


Submitted by fedupinpa on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 16:56

( Posts: 1511 | Credits: )

What is really sickening is that people develop these scams, do this under the guise of being a Christian and want to leave their money so it will be doing the Lord's work. Someone that sincerely wants to leave their money to ministry or charitable organization will do just that---who in their right mind would send an email to anonymous recipients, unless they were pulling a scam? What is so very frightening is that there are people who will take this crap seriously and be willing to send in their personal information, etc. Unbelievable!


Submitted by Lorri on Sun, 03/11/2007 - 15:41

( Posts: 1721 | Credits: )

The internet is just the modern day way of getting mugged. If you are out on the streets and you don't pay attention, believe and trust everybody, you can be mugged. Same thing on your computer---if you don't pay attention, believe and trust everyone and every email---you can count on being ripped off.

Be safe, be cautious and never give out any information that isn't necessary to the situation.


Submitted by Lorri on Sat, 03/31/2007 - 10:31

( Posts: 1721 | Credits: )

Hey yall...Im curious about this particular scam. Im
taking it one step further, because all it says is get in touch with dude...Mr. Hayes. So Im going to and see what comes of it. Im being careful don't worry. But I want to catch this scams participants.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 10:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Omg!!!! This is crazy!!! I go the e-mail--then i got a confirmation from this edward hayes dude after doing some research i am taking this to a lawter before this crazy guy gets a hold of an innocent older person!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 14:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They get your email in lots of ways but one way is by email harvesters.You can put your email some places like in an email like this @ instead use (at) the email harvester won't recongnize it as an email addy.The other way they get it is when you subcribe to a lot of newsletters or sites they share it with 3 rd parties always read the privacy terms.


Submitted by patricia on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 06:44

( Posts: 107 | Credits: )

I found this in my mail box

We at eBay would like to congratulate you on obtaining feedback points and reaching the Fidelity Star level.

In order to thank you for your active support of the eBay marketplace and your dedication in obtaining feedback points, something that's integral to the success of the marketplace, eBay would like to offer a token of our esteem for all of your hard work and dedication.

eBay is sending out this thank you and invitation to receive free gifts we are offering to our community members who attained the Fidelity Star level. Below you have the promotion code needed to become eligible for this promotion.

Promotion Code: 3830924

To activate the gift, just click one of the link :

Technology has its flipside too....thus the only solution to it is staying alert.



Submitted by Good Nelly on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 03:02

( Posts: 2846 | Credits: )

This stuff is just so crazy. I have been getting many of these lately. The ones that scare me because people will think they are ligit are ones like the ebay email. Never click on links like the one above. They are websites that are made to look exactly like the real website. The minute you put in your username and password, they got you. You will also want to contact the company they are claiming to be (ebay, your bank, etc...) and let them know you received the email. This way they can send out an alert to let others know.

Never Ever Ever click on a link in an email. You must type in the webaddress and then go from there.


Submitted by spatterson_40 on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 03:48

( Posts: 400 | Credits: )

spatters,i just have one rule with e-mail.
if i don't recognize it off it goes. 8)


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 06:03

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Been getting alot of these, too. Some from an 'A son of a deceased Ambassador from Africa'. Some from a " Prince in Britain." Is there anyway to report these?..besides sending them to the 'spam' portion, on my PC?


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 19:19

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

i got the same email and thought it a little fishy, it's a good thing because i was right. My email had a different name though.Good Day,

My name is Mrs. Catherine Ann Yacobozzi I am a dying woman
who have Decided to donate what I have to you/Organization. I
am 59 years old and I was diagnosed for cancer about 2 years
ago, immediately after the death of my husband, who had left
me everything he worked for. I have been touched by God to
Donate from what I have inherited from my late Husband to
you for the good work of God than allow my relatives to use
my husband hard earned funds ungodly. Please pray that the
good Lord forgive me my sins.

I have asked God to Forgive me and I believe he has because
He is a merciful God. I will be going in for an operation
Tomorrow morning I decided to WILL/donate the sum of
$3,500,000(Three million five hundred thousand dollars) to
You/Organization for the good work of the lord, and also to
Help the Motherless and less privilege and also for the
Assistance of the widows according to (JAMES 1:27).At the
Moment I cannot take any telephone calls right now due to
the fact that my relatives are around me and my Health status.
I have adjusted my WILL and my Executor is Aware I have changed my will,
you and him will arrange the Transfer of the funds from the
Private Finance Company to your humble self???s wish you
all the best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly,
and please use the funds well and Always extend the good work to others.

Contact my Executor(Barrister Edward Hayes)
with this specified Email :(
[email][/email] ) with your full names
Contact telephone/fax number and your full address and tell him that
I have WILLED ($3,500,000.00) to you and I have also notified
him that I am WILL-IN that amount to you for a specific and
good work Thanks and God bless.

NB: I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this
matter until the task is accomplished as I don???t want
anything that will jeopardize my last wish. And Also I will
be contacting with you by email as I don???t want my
relation or anybody to know because they are always around

Thanks for your assistance.
Mrs.Catherine Ann Yacobozzi


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 15:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )