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Hello! Did You Miss Me?

Submitted by 2nband on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 20:12
Posts: 2277

Hi everyone! Did you miss me? Things have been so crazy for us that it isn't even funny. I have been so busy looking for a job and trying to get a few small projects done around the house and helping my daughter with some things. Plus I just recently signed up to be a Pampered Chef Consultant. I need a way to get back out around people, plus I really like Pampered Chef, so at least it is something I can get behind. I have gotten a couple of shows. A friend of mine in Kansas is doing a book show and have a couple of cooking shows here and working on letters to send to schools, churchs, small groups about fundraisers with Pampered Chef, so that has taken a lot of my time with online training and trying to promote my business. Good thing with this is I can contact my friends from other states and they can do book shows or sign to be a consultant without me physically being there. So, been pretty busy.

But all in all we are doing well. My son is doing fine, although he said he is bored of Vegas. He doesn't call me as much as he use to. He is actually finding out what the "real" world is about. When I talk to him, he sounds down. Wish I could go see him, but that isn't possible right now. I try to keep his spirits up as much as I can when I do talk to him.

Let's see, my puppy is now 6 months old. We just got her fixed less than a month ago. Did calm her down a little bit. She is so rotten that it isn't funny. She is about 16/17 pounds.

I have gotten a facebook page and when I have taken a break from all my other stuff I have been looking up old classmates and it has been a ball! It is fun to touch base with people I use to go to school with and see what they look like today. Some look the same and others look totally different.

As you can see, nothing real exciting going on. Mostly just trying to find another job! Being laid off totally stinks!!!

I just wanted to touch base with everyone and see how everyone is doing. I know I have a lot of catching up to do to see what all has been going on, but not sure when I will have a lot of time to do it all.

I will be posting off and on as I can with everything else that has been going on. I hope that everyone is doing well. Hopefully not too many of you have gotten laid off!

Take care all!!!

It is good to see you again!! Sounds like you have your hands full!!

Pamperd Chef products are really good, and it will get you out and among others with the bookings,etc.

It is tough when your kids learn about the real world! My son learned after he married someone with two kids- how hard financialy it really is, especially now.

It is good that you are keeping busy while you are off the job, it helps with depression and other things too.

Take care and pop in when you can..karen

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 09:27


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

Chrys ~ yeah he says he is bored. He is stationed at Nellis AFB. I told him there is a lot of things to see if he would just do it. But he is only 19, so....

Frogpatch ~ I am sorry that you have gotten laid off. That stinks.

I did hear from the company that laid me off that there is a possibilty that there will be another postion opening up in a few months, so that would be great and then I would keep doing the Pampered Chef on the side. We will see what happens.

Submitted by 2nband on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 18:09


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Getting laid off brings out the entrepeneur in people. I have been busy trying affialiate marketing and writing and selling on ETSY and Bonanzle, and my wife is selling exhibit space for upcoming expos.
I am Frogpatch on Bonanzle and My Frogpatch on Etsy. Can you believe that frogpatch was taken. It was taken on Blogger also. I've been hoodwinked.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Fri, 03/20/2009 - 09:06


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I am really hoping this Pampered Chef stuff kicks off. Just an FYI, I can do book parties long distant and fund raisers long distant, so if anyone has an kid, school, organization, church or whatever that needs to do a fundraiser for something, I can hook you up! I am hoping to get my pampered chef web site here within a month. Keep me in mind if something comes up. If someone wants to do an order online with me before I get my website set up, there is a way, just let me know.

Frogpatch, I understand about names being used. you think you have something unique and no one else has and then.... I hope that you do well in what you are trying to do, same for you wife. I am sure you both will do great!

Submitted by 2nband on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 20:09


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )