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Ellis & amp Crosby

Submitted by on Thu, 07/28/2005 - 10:49
Posts: 202330

Hi All,

I am too a vitim of the dreadful EC. They also threathed me. I am also a vitim with the payday loans and have filed bk. My lawlwer told me to ignore them he is sending them a letter. He said that if they try to sew me he is going to sue them bastards himself and make me some money. I love my lawler. You know thoug no more payday loans for me. I ahd palnned to file bk anyway and was sure if I could include them he said sure those payday loans needs to be put out of business. I felt so much better reading everyone's letters. Thanks guys. I can smile now.... :D :D

Hi christeen,

Welcome to the forums.

Recently there seems to be a lot of complaints against ellis crosby collection agency. They are violating the fdcpa laws everywhere. That has led to their suspension by ACA.
For details about their suspension please go through the following forum posting

You have mentioned that you had quite a few outstanding payday loans. You have filed a bankruptcy for getting rid of these payday loans.
Did you consider getting all your payday loans consolidated under a debt settlement program?

With bankruptcy your credit report will be affected adversely and its marks will be there in your credit report for the next 10 years. So bankruptcy can have devastating effects on your credit score in near future.

You can go through the following article to get more information:

On the other hand, debt consolidation can consolidate all your debts into one single debt which you can repay in affordable monthly installments. Also debt consolidation doesn't affect your credit report adversely. As you monthly payments are realized your debt get erased and your credit report gradually starts improving. This helps to remove negative marks from your credit report and also improve your credit score.

For further details please go through ???


Submitted by thirdeye on Thu, 07/28/2005 - 14:29


( Posts: 82 | Credits: )

Third eye,

I paid them off because they scared and harrased me to the point I almost had an anxity attack. I still have not recieved a letter that my case was paid in full what can I do?

[quote=thirdeye]Hi christeen,

Welcome to the forums.

Recently there seems to be a lot of complaints against ellis crosby collection agency. They are violating the fdcpa laws everywhere. That has led to their suspension by ACA.
For details about their suspension please go through the following forum posting

You have mentioned that you had quite a few outstanding payday loans. You have filed a bankruptcy for getting rid of these payday loans.
Did you consider getting all your payday loans consolidated under a debt settlement program?

With bankruptcy your credit report will be affected adversely and its marks will be there in your credit report for the next 10 years. So bankruptcy can have devastating effects on your credit score in near future.

You can go through the following article to get more information:

On the other hand, debt consolidation can consolidate all your debts into one single debt which you can repay in affordable monthly installments. Also debt consolidation doesn't affect your credit report adversely. As you monthly payments are realized your debt get erased and your credit report gradually starts improving. This helps to remove negative marks from your credit report and also improve your credit score.

For further details please go through ???


Submitted by on Tue, 08/02/2005 - 15:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Gen - Do you have receipts of your payments made to them? These receipts or any other sort of evidence is the most important proof of your payment efforts made to the Ellis Crosby.

You should use your consumer rights as per the fdcpa law and file a case against them for falsely representing your accounts.

Submitted by ben on Tue, 08/02/2005 - 16:34


( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )

Yes I do have all the reciepts and payment reference numbers. Where do I go to get this information on my rights.

[quote=ben]Gen - Do you have receipts of your payments made to them? These receipts or any other sort of evidence is the most important proof of your payment efforts made to the Ellis Crosby.

You should use your consumer rights as per the fdcpa law and file a case against them for falsely representing your accounts.[/quote]

Submitted by on Tue, 08/02/2005 - 21:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi Gen

As per the fdcpa act, the Federal Trade Commission restricts the debt collectors and creditors from implying force and using harsh actions on the consumers for recovering the past debt. Please have a look at this FTC link to know your consumer rights

Submitted by ben on Wed, 08/03/2005 - 14:55


( Posts: 2034 | Credits: )