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need help! - identity theft

Submitted by on Tue, 02/14/2006 - 23:31
Posts: 202330

I need help people, here's the scenario. I was sent a letter from asset acceptance llc yesterday, claiming I owe money for services from Pacific Bell phone company. The problem with that is I NEVER used Pacific Bell in my life, and the account is under someone else name. So I go check my credit report on with the 3 agencies and apperently the person opened the phone account under his name, with my Social Sercurity number. I assume this is identiy theft, so I go to the police station and ask to file a report. The police officer refused to file a report, saying it could have been a mistake when the guy gave the SSN to the phone service and it happens to be yours. He told me I also need more proof. So I leave and call TransUnion to dispute the issue, and suprisingly TransUnion was nice and assisted me by removing the guy's name, his address, and the Asset Acceptance LLC inquires from my credit report. I also asked for the 90 day fraud alert.
Then I call Asset Acceptance LLC but an automated messaged answered.

So what do i do now?... who do i contact, how do i prove that I am NOT the the person that opened the phone account?, how do i prevent the person from using my SSN agian? what forms do i need to prove my case with Asset Aceeptance llc, Pacific Bell and the police?

please tell me what to do step by step - thank you


Check your credit report with other two bureaus as well and rectify them if required. You can do it online, through correspondence or by calling them.

Perhaps the police man was right; however you should be alert in future. Keep watching your credit report and bank account statement frequently. God forbid, if you find any fraudulent entries, immediately contact local police office.

You have done it right by placing a fraud alert with TU. Also do the same with other two bureaus. The steps that one should follow when a ID theft occurs are listed in this thread, please have a look-

Submitted by stanley on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 10:04


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