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Credit report listing for company that has never contacted m

Submitted by Kathryn on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 13:28
Posts: 96

Can a company list something on your credit report if they have never contacted you? Certified Recovey Systm has 2 listings on my credit report that say "collection account, past due as of Nov 2005", but they have never contacted me by mail or phone (that I know of. I have had a crazy collector call me at work, but wouldn't tell me the name of their company and they never called back).

This does not seem to be right. According to fdcpa, collector should notify the debtor first. They have to send written documents within 5 days of first communication. If they don't, debtor can request for it too. Once they receive the request they cannot start collection activities without validating the debt.

Now, if they validate, debtor has 30 days to dispute the validation. Collectors can report it to credit bureau within this 30 days period. However, if debtor disputes any item of validation, CA has to reinvestigate it and update it accordingly. If they cannot, they must remove the entry from your report.

It's pretty clear that it didn't go this way with you. You can send a request for validation through CMRRR. If they cannot validate, request credit bureau to remove the entry.

Submitted by stella on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 15:28


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