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Just when I thought we were getting ahead

Submitted by Amanda Sullivan on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 10:41
Posts: 172

Gosh I feel so dumb!
We had a few hundred dollars in the bank on Friday, we made a huge deposit on Friday night, around 7pm. Anyway, we went grocery shopping that night, and I paid a few online bills. Saturday night, we went out thinking FINALLY we had a bit of 'extra' money to do something with together.

Well.... this morning I check my balance and we have a positive current balance and a negative available balance. I called my bank to find out why the check hadn't cleared-- and basically it was because it was an out of state check and we deposited it late Friday night. I didnt even think about it being out of state.

The bank couldn't even tell me if I would be charged overdrafts! THe lady just kept saying I would recommend making a 82.98 deposit to put your account back to zero. Well, if I had the money I would deposit it.

It sucks because that $82.00 isn't just ONE transaction, it's several. If we get hit for overdrafts for each thing, I'm basically screwed. No other word for it.

I'm really sad now and wish that we wouldn't have spent what we spent over the weekend.

I've asked a few friends if they could lend us 100.00 until the check clears (tonight according to the bank) but noone has the money to lend out.

I wish I knew if we were going to get hit with overdrafts.

That is an awful feeling! The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I entered the amount in the ATM off by a couple pennies and it caused a hold on the check. I went to the bank and they reversed the overdraft fees. You should go to your branch and explain what happened. They will probably work with you.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 10:54


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I just don't understand any of this anymore. Now the current balance is 500 something, and the available balance is negative 359 something. They got us with eight $34 overdraft fees so far. The check that we deposited Friday, showed "pending" next to it as of yesterday-- and today that is gone-- but yet the money isn't available yet. The bank opens at 10 am and I'm going to be there. If they don't reverse some of those fees I can't pay bills, and things are already late as it is. I've been so upset I couldn't sleep last night.

Submitted by Amanda Sullivan on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 06:00

Amanda Sullivan

( Posts: 172 | Credits: )

It's Provident Bank. I have a deposit in there, but supposively it's not clear--- BUT yesterday when I talked to the bank they told me that money would be available as of midnight last night, but it's not. I'm leaving in about a half hour to go there in person and see if they can help me. My stomach is so upset!

Submitted by Amanda Sullivan on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 06:39

Amanda Sullivan

( Posts: 172 | Credits: )

Sullivana...I know just how you feel. I was use to my bank posting my direct deposite on the last day of the month. Instead it wasn't posted until January 2nd. I needed money over the weekend for food and gas so I wrote checks to pay for it. The checks came in on the following Monday...guess what no money?? You can not trust anyone to be consistant anymore I have learned that lesson...also never spent anything from your bank account until you see that money posted. It cost me the extra funds I had until next payday.
I hope it works out for you...good luck.

Submitted by laura19544 on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 06:59


( Posts: 456 | Credits: )

I would suggest just talking to the branch manager where you normally do your transactions...where they know you. Explain what happened. Since it's the beginning of the month, they have more of a budget for fee reversals and stuff. An insider thing...the later in the month, the less of a chance you have to get fees reversed if it's not truly a bank error. When you deposited it, did you do it at an atm or in the branch? If it was in the branch, they had to have told you then about any hold on the check, or indicated it on the receipt when the funds would be available.

Submitted by swedishgirl on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 10:52


( Posts: 326 | Credits: )

Well, when I deposited it, they did not tell me when the money would be there. However, today when I went to talk to them they told me it takes 3 days for an out of state check to clear, and mine cleared a day early.
Anyway, when I told the branch that we were using our debit card and thought that the card would not work if there was no money available-- she told me that was what I did wrong. Apparently, the bank card runs off the current balance-- and not the available.
We ended up racking up 272.00 in overdraft charges!! The teller/manager lady was going to request them all to be removed, but told me it was up to corporate's discression if they would be removed. They are supposed to call me in 48-72 hours. I'm hoping that I can talk to them and have most of them removed. If they don't remove them, we will be late on everything again! Now I feel bad for even going out on a date. It was our first time out in months, and we were so happy to finally be able to do something. Figures something like this would happen.

Submitted by Amanda Sullivan on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 16:58

Amanda Sullivan

( Posts: 172 | Credits: )

I feel like I have gone 1 step forward and 10 steps back. I ordered propane in November, and I had to reorder propane this month and it isn't cheap. My phone bill is due on Friday or it gets cut off, I had to apply for Liheap for utility assistance. On top of this, my home's lease purchase is closing on 1/16/08. A date I chose last week, and if I had known business was going to be down this much, I would never have scheduled that date. I am so nervous and depressed about my bills I can't sleep and I just pace.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 21:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Reminds me of my son and his insurance company.He gave them the right to debit his account for his payment.They did and the money was not there.This they charged him 34.00.Then if it isn't there the next time they debit it ,will be another 34.00 .he can't pay his insurance for having to pay the 34.00 NSF fees. banks make a killing off this don't thy? I think they should lower it because people are not doing it deliberately.They are truly in a bind.

Submitted by patricia on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 13:06


( Posts: 107 | Credits: )

My husband had an account years and years ago that he closed (in good standing)then he moved away and opened another account. Years later he went to get a second account to find that the first one had reported him to chexsystems.

Apparently a magazine subscription came through and hit the account for 10.00 THIS WAS A CLOSED ACCOUNT SO WHAT DOES THE BANK DO? They re-open the account put the transactin through and charge an overdraft. Fees built up over time and since the tranaction went through, the magazine place continued to bill even more.

I can not recall the total they claimed he owed on this closed account but it was really crazy.

That was at Bank One now Chase. And he was an employee when he had the account as well

Submitted by Mary Adkins Matthews on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 14:00

Mary Adkins Matthews

( Posts: 755 | Credits: )

This seems to be a common tactic with banks to glean more fees out of their customers. Bank of America had a nasty habit of doing that. Before I got direct deposit, when I would get my paper check from my employer on Fridays, if I didn't deposit it before 5 pm, any charges that I rang up over the weekend they would clear on Monday BEFORE they cleared my check. So then they would say, "sorry, even though you deposited your check before you made those purchases, the check was cleared AFTER." and then they would proceed to clean me out with NSF fees. One time, they charged me a total of $280 in overdraft fees in this manner.

It got to the point on paydays where I would sneak off my work premises during my break time and drive a few blocks away to the nearest BOA to deposit my check before 5 pm, just to avoid this issue. Now I have direct deposit to avoid it altogether.

Submitted by Amaranth on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 15:36


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