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My Personal Story with Chexsystems

Submitted by Mary Adkins Matthews on Wed, 01/16/2008 - 12:19
Posts: 755

Many people ask me why I am so dedicated to helping those in chexsystems. Well here is my personal story.

About ten years ago my husband and I had an account that became overdrawn when we were hit with charges on the account for two airline tickets that were not ours. Of course we did what anyone would do and we called the bank. The bank filed a dispute on our behalf but in the mean time we had fees all over the place from the checks that were returned. Eventually it was all taken care of and the bank was again in good standing.

We continued to use this account for more than a year until we decided to move and open an account more local to us. That was when we were first informed that we had been reported to chexsystems and could not open an account. Of course we contacted the bank and were given the run around. We were transferred from person to person, telling our story but it did not seem to matter. With all the frustration, we decided we didn't care if we ever had an account at a bank.

At that point we went for a few years without an account until we realized that we needed an account to buy a home. It was a nightmare! I was finally able to find an out of state bank that would help me. I have been helping others ever since. For more than 5 years now I have been helping people find banks and get out of chexsystems.

Why do I have spare time to help others?

I was forced several years ago to home school my son who was removed from school permanently in the first grade.

All through kindergarten my son was missing school constantly. By mid-year in the first grade, we knew we were in trouble. He was constantly sick and missing school. He went from stomach aches, headaches, sinus infections, pneumonia, and later was diagnosed with asthma and was put on breathing treatments three times a day.

The school officials were questioning and threatening me almost daily. I made sure that my son was taken to the doctor EVERY TIME he missed a day of school to be certain I could show proof that my son was indeed sick.

During this time, my son was put on home instruction for weeks to a month at a time on several different occasions. During that time, he would get well and be fine. Every time he returned to school, the symptoms and illness returned.

Finally, the doctor determined that there was " something " in the school making him sick. By this time, my son was VERY ill. He was on 11 medications a day and breathing treatments. He had been through numerous testings. The doctor was a pediatrician but also specialized in pulmonology (lung specia list) decided my son had to be permanently removed from school.

Later, we were made aware that the school district where we lived was being sued by the teachers union. Teachers claimed they were forced to quit their jobs due to illness caused by the school. Apparently, the school district had tried to keep the situation quiet, but the local news reported the high school had large amounts of black mold. I decided to speak to the attorney handling the case for the teachers. When I spoke to him, he informed me that yes, the entire school district had been tested. Mold was not only in the high school, but the middle school and elementary schools as well. The answer I had been searching for was finally answered. I then knew the school was making my son ill.

After doing some additional research and talking to various support groups that I found in my area, I learned that mold is an issue in MANY areas throughout the United States. Not just public schools but private schools as well. Most school buildings are older ones that may not have been well maintained over the years and small maintenance issues turned into large ones that the schools did not have the funds to fix.

I also learned how a child can attend a school and not be aware there is a mold problem and while some students may experience symptoms, others may not at all. The children who show no signs of illness can be affected by mold and not even know it.

Many school districts are now starting to condemn old school buildings and re-building new ones. Of course, this is not fast enough for the children going to school now. I live in Ohio, but many other states all over the US are experiencing the same problem. Most school districts that are aware of having a problem will not admit it and will do everything to hide it.

It was at that time, back in 2001 that I learned about online charter schools being an option. It saved us! My son is now off of all medications and is well. He rarely has to take any asthma medication. A miracle? Unfortunately it was not a miracle at all.

I am sorry to hear about the trouble that you had with your son's school. Mold is a very big concern, my husband who builds homes on the sides and remodels them had his insurance co warn him about the dangers of mold and how he could be held liable if it wasn't treated properly. Scary isn't it.

My cousin home schools his twin girls. I think that it is a good idea because at least in the state that I live in it is closely monitored and they have activities with other home schooled children.


Submitted by ladybug on Wed, 01/16/2008 - 14:32


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