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will i get in trouble????

Submitted by amyw2003 on Sat, 07/18/2009 - 23:51
Posts: 109

I need to come up with the money to apy my attoney so she will file bk for me. although she says that i do not have to pay her all at once, she cannot file for me until the entire fee is paid. I guess my question is, will there be negative consequences(legal or otherwise) if i were to take out several small (probably payday loans) to come up with the fee and them immediatley fike bk, including said loans? i am going to see her in a few days and am going to pay the 50 dollar minimum to get into their system and get started, but i will probably be laid off in the next few weeks and it takes forever to start receiving umemployment and i just want to get this done and behind me so i can have a fresh start.anybody have knowledge or experience with this? have any of you done this?

You need to pay for the filing by yourself My lawyer will let me make payments, and even if it takes two years to pay him, he will represent m the whole time. It would be nice to get everything done fast, but that is not an option for us. At least hiring the lawyer has gotten the collection calls to stop. It is also worth it to us to make sure that the paperwork is all done right. We would hate to have our case dismissed because of a technicality.

Submitted by southernapostolic on Sun, 07/19/2009 - 09:41


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