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chapter 13 filing jointly

Submitted by on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 14:19
Posts: 202330

I was told that if your married filing jointly and if you own a property together and if it's deeded tenants in its entirety.....that you only pay the joint debts in the program and the individual debts get wiped out, is this true?

a lawyer told me that if you do a chapter 13 and you file jointly and you have a house and it's deeded tenants in its individual debt would then be wiped out because an unsecured individual debt creditor cannot take your assets meaning they cannot get anythign out of it. if you have joint debt then the tenants in its entirety would be broken and you would just pay back in the plan the joint debts!

Submitted by on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 15:07

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