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filing bankruptcy in a few months

Submitted by on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 19:24
Posts: 202330

i have come to theconclusion that filing chap 7 bankruptcy is my best option..i have talked with an attourney and have beens ent papers to fill out and such..i just need a few months to get the money together and all teh paperwork that i ned to make sure that ihave everythign ? is all my old debts are coming out of teh woodwork after me now it seems 1 has filed suit and im afraid the others will try to next,how do i address these creditors when they call or sent bill.. i dont want to tell them im planning on filing becasu i havent filed yet but i dont want anymore legal actions taken either?

You need to just tell them that you are in the process of filing bankruptcy. And then include everything that is coming out of the woodwork in your bankruptcy. If in the meantime you get a judgement from one of them, just put it in the bankruptcy. Be honest with them, they may ask what attorney you will be working with or what your case number is, just repeat that you are in the process and talking with your attorney and there is no case number yet.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 19:35


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

I just filed bankruptcy back in August and I believe the creditors can keep at you until you actually file and have a file number. But once I filed anytime somebody called I just gave them my attorneys info and the file number and never heard from them again. I already had my creditors meeting (which nobody showed up) and now i'm just waiting for my discharge papers. Just telling them you are GOING to file for bankruptcy won't stop them from trying to collect although it would be pointless to try knowing that you are going to file anyway. I had two of my creditors trying to get judgement against me quick and I filed one day before my court dates. They were really upset..LOL I guess they didn't think I would have the money to file that quick. I was lucky and found an attorney that filed for half the fee and allowed me to make payment arrangements after that.

Submitted by PinkLady on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 12:41


( Posts: 1720 | Credits: )

I agree, the lawyer should be okay with handeling everything for you, once you decide to go through with the bankruptcy. I was just told by the creditors that they can keep at it until the bankrupcty was officially filed. But any and all questions should be directed towards your bankruptcy attorney.

Submitted by PinkLady on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 14:37


( Posts: 1720 | Credits: )

thnx for all ur help.. i am def filing like i said before.. i have gone over everything hundreds of times and i am just way too far in debt for anythign else..if i could do it anyway else i would but rightnow its only my hubbies income for all 5 of us and i wont be goin back to work for a few yrs . i was worried about it hurting our credit but our credit is already bad.. so i figured as long as i keep up on mortgage and car loan it will help in bringin rating back up and then i can slowly get credit back again.. i know it will take time to do but i am patient..

Submitted by on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 00:33

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If you are considering filing Chapter 7, I hope that your attorney informed you of the new laws that were passed last year.

As others have said, make sure that you mention your file number and the name and number of your attorney when the creditors call.

Be aware, a bankruptcy will appear on your credit report for ten years. While it will be difficult for you obtain loans and credit cards or if you obtain these things, you will be dealing with higher interest rates, you must sit down and actually examine whether bankruptcy is the only option.

I filed in 2000 but I had to put a lot of thought into it. You can see my story in my blog stated below. This is not to advertise my blog, but it is to tell you of my story and my heartache when I had to file bankruptcy and the reasons why I made that decision. I would hope that you read it and others stories as well before you consider it.

Good luck. We all wish for the best for you.

Submitted by Alexandra on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 21:02


( Posts: 544 | Credits: )

i read ur blog alexandria and it was great.. i kinda got myself in tehsa me mess as u minus teh payday loans.until i came to this site i ddint even know what payday loans were .i dont have nay and dont plan on gettin problems arose from cc.. went from 2 income and no kids to 1 income and 3 kids..i have gone over my finances many tiems and right now i know in my heart that bankruptcy is the only solution,, i want to be happy instead of sad and worried all teh least for my kids sake,,i m tired of all teh calls and trying to avoid them and it is bad when my kids now know not to answer unknown numbers and asking why they call all the time..i want to not be afraid everytime the phone rings or teh mail comes..i just want to enjoy seeing my kids grow up and enjoy what tiem ihave left with them until they are grown..and i am trying to teach my kids teh value of money so they dont get in the same situation we are now..thnx for all ur support

Submitted by on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 12:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Alex I read your blog and I really liked it. Guest it sounds like you have weighed your options. It will feel good to get a fresh start. I wish you the best. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 15:47


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