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Filing Chapter 7 Pro Se in NJ

Submitted by mvezza on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 17:05
Posts: 67

I am going to be filing Chapter 7 pro se in NJ (even filing a form to pay the filing fees in installments), and I am pretty clear on all the forms I have to fill out and submit. I am wondering if anyone familiar with this process can throw in their two cents in case there might be anything I have unknowingly missed.

Besides owning a used 2000 Toyota Corrolla with no car loan, I have no assets (not even cash on hand!)

Thank you!

Your credit report is the best way. Do you have any statements from your creditors? I have kept all of mine, until they stopped sending them. I am now keeping copies of all of the collection letters.
I would love to help with the forms. but I jave hired an attorney for this. I looked at them, and decided that I was not up to it. I really did not want to get dismissed on an error that could be avoided. One thing. My attorney told me that he would need at least six months worth of paystubs and bank statements. I don't know if that is just for preparing the petition, or if the trustee will want them.

Submitted by southernapostolic on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 18:15


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