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Filing Ch 7 Pro Se - Question about Schedule C

Submitted by mvezza on Thu, 10/29/2009 - 09:56
Posts: 67

I am filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy pro se (can't afford a lawyer - no, really cannot afford lawyer - consulted with a few already).

When filling out Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt - am I to list my exemptions as they appear on Schedule B (i.e. "Household Goods" "Office Furnishings" "Wearing Apparel" etc) or an itemized list of my property that I am claiming as exempt?

Specific property listed in Schedules A & B should be itemized on Schedule C. You can group classes of items together (like clothing or household goods, for example); but otherwise they should be separated.

You also need to list the specific law that gives you exemption rights in that property. These are usually state laws which create the exemptions.

Attached is an example Schedule C from a debtor who is claiming their property exempt under Illinois laws.

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Thu, 10/29/2009 - 16:54


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