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A Vent about being broke..

Submitted by bea2ls on Wed, 04/22/2009 - 07:58
Posts: 3840

I apologize in advance, I really just need to vent.. I am so depressed over being so broke. I really am feeling so overwhelmed since I lost my second job. It seems I am always pushing bills aside instead of being able to pay them. And this is my rent, electricity, groceries.. I tried to get assistance for my utilities bills but they say I make too much money, heh. I just find myself barely getting out of bed, unable to concentrate at work.. if I could somehow come up with $1,500 in a short time I would be good, finally caught up and back on track.. but I know that is so unlikely. I keep saying if I keep the faith and motivation, I can do it but it seems so hard to do.. I know I cannot take a payday loan so no worries there ;) but I seriously do not know what else to do..
Sorry, I just needed to vent.. thanks to anyone that read this..

Chin up. :) I know it can be hard to do.

I get to feeling the exact same way. Sometimes it hits me in the middle of the night.

Then I ask myself, "Is there anything I can do about it right now at this very moment" and the answer is always no so it helps me not worry so much.

I wish about $1500 would drop on me as well. I could be free and clear. I stuggle ever single paycheck to make it to the next one.

Sunny days are ahead :hug:

Submitted by nohiogal on Wed, 04/22/2009 - 08:53


( Posts: 2582 | Credits: )

i know its tough im with you! it always seems when we get our head above water someone pushes us down again its depressing. last summer i thought i had it made, for about 2 months till our furnace blew up. i live in pa so the winters get pretty cold so its not like i could go without it, but that caused me to have to charge. so know everyday all day im staring at this list of how to get it paid off faster, and i just stare. i cant seem to get a handle on it. when the furnace broke we had to use electric so im still paying on a 1,500.00 penelec bill, not getting ahead only futher behind again and my washer has quit about 4 times and we keep rigging it back together, my porch is falling off its not safe at all, but like you said you cant get any help at all we make just a little above the $ amount for any assistance. i bundled my phone and things only to not save money at all (they said i would but with all thier taxes and fees there was no point) the school is always asking money every single week i swear for something. its like they are always nickel and diming me to death. its never ending. car repairs (thank god my husband is a mechanic but i still need to pay parts). its always something that keeps me from getting ahead i never seem to be able to save a dollar and then when something breaks im screwed. and i live in a very old house so stuff is always breaking or in need of repair. the summer before that i had to replace my roof. it was more wet in the house than outside i swear. it stinks

Submitted by love_my_things on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 06:52


( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

thanks for understanding, your tips always helps me (this board in general always does!) i have been feeling a little more positive, i just hate how everything is due and there is not enough money to pay.. i hate being late for rent and other bills, it makes me feel so low and i get so scared to call.
thanks again though :hug:

Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 08:02


( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Bea2ls hang in there. I felt the same way and found it hard to focus on anything else but money and debt collectors at one point. It took awhile but I sacraficed in alot of ways to make it to where I am today. I am still looking for ways to earn additional income on the side. But I look at where I was and how far I came, and that inspires me not to give up everyday! :)

I know it is tough and saying it will be ok doesn't put the needed money in your pocket. On the other hand, just remember it has to get difficult to become better, there is always a struggle before a TRIUMPH! :D My advice to you is to stay positive and remain focused on the major necessaties in life. Keep in contact with your creditors and be honest, the economy has been rough and they cannot kick a person who is trying. Try to set aside $10-$25 every pay period in a savings. You will be amazed on how much you can save over a short period of time. This can be small dent to the $1500 needed. Also try and sell any unecessary equipment or furniture you have laying around the house. I know its not much, but it is a good way to get the needed cash versus a loan. As for the rent, you can try and reason with the rental office. Offer to pay a portion of the rent and keep them updated as to when you can come up with the remaining portion. I have done it in the past, it was stressful, but when I called and talked to the property manager she was very understanding. It may work in your favor, just give it a try.

I wish you the BEST and I will keep you in my prayers :D :wink:

Submitted by Cool_Abyss on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 09:38


( Posts: 2936 | Credits: )

thanks so much, i really appreciate your kind words and helpful advice :)
i am just so stressed out all of the time! i am pretty positive today, i just get so stressed out when i have to call and explain how i am going to be late paying something.. it really makes me feel so ashamed.
but like you said, i have to stay positive and keep trying.
thanks :)

Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 09:53


( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Do not ever feel ashamed because you are Responsible and are taking the proper steps to resolve your situation. You should feel Confident in your efforts and very Proud you know the right path to take.

When you look at it that way, then there really is nothing to be ashamed about anymore. *FYI* the rental office does not hold your soul...LOL! :lol: That would be the man up above :wink: Hang in there!!

Submitted by Cool_Abyss on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 09:58


( Posts: 2936 | Credits: )

what always helps me is that"it could be worse" i tell my husband this all the time. it seems that im usually the more positive one and hes the one who seems to get really bummed about it. at christmas he had 500.00 stole off of him it was our property tax money. he was so upset. he kept saying of all the people for them to rob it was us who needed it the most. I reminded him that atleast they did not come into the house and hurt us it could have been worse. I thank god everyday for the few little things in life he gave us. because there are so many more people out there that dont even have that. atleast we have each other, a healthy son, a roof over our heads and we are healthy. money stinks for us it always has, but we always manage to pull through. right now i thank god that he hasnt lost his job. thousands of people everyday are loosing thier only source of income and we are lucky to have 2.

just hang in there things can only get better right? think of the good things in your life. it always seems to help us!

Submitted by love_my_things on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 10:24


( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

One thing I try to do is take one day at a time. I try not to let myself get too stressed, athough it is hard at times. I get myself so worked up that I get depressed and just want to stay in bed under the covers. I have been praying for strength to get through these rough times. It is hard, but I got to believe that we are going to come through all this better than we started.

Hang in there though and just take one day at a time and deal with that day. By being supportive of each other, we all will be able to make it through these hard times.

Submitted by 2nband on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 10:29


( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Hiya bea2ls -

(want a quick chuckle? I almost typed your name as "bal2s"...)

You'll make it, darlin! We've all been there, and some days, we're still there.

I just came back from the grocery store and I think I have sticker shock. Went in for about $10 worth of stuff and came out much higher - there's always something you need, or that you're out of, and 9 times out of 10, it's something you can't eat - like laundry soap.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 16:03


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

i understand that, it seems like at least half of my grocery bill is spent on non-food items :(
i was pretty good yesterday but am so so stressed today! i realized besides being late for rent, i am going to be short on other bills as well.. i am finding it hard to breathe at times but will be okay.
thanks again everyone!

Submitted by bea2ls on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 05:58


( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I completely understand where your coming from. It seems like we've been on this "no money" roller coaster for years. It gets so depressing. Just when you think you've got it all worked out, something else comes up. I too have lost many nights sleep worrying and wishing that some how money would fall out of the sky. I've gotten to the place where I don't care, they will get it when they get it. Your health is most important, you can't stress yourself out so badly that your health suffers.

It will work out, it always does. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep you chin up and know you are NOT alone:) Reny

Submitted by lmale on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 06:23


( Posts: 742 | Credits: )

thanks everyone - i wish i could say that everything is all better but no :(
i guess when it rains, it pours - i mentioned my brother was having a lot of problems lately, he tried to kill himself sunday night.. it was exhausting and stressful but thankfully he is doing better. he went to the emergency clinic (we literally have to physically push him into the ER) and they gave him a list of doctors to go to (he does not have insurance..)
needless to say i didn't get to do a darn thing about my money situation other than some half hearted attempts to do some applications for part time jobs.
i cannot pay everything i arranged to tommorow. i thought i could but i know i cannot.. i am so stressed to make those calls! and my rent is going to be late again and i just feel so overwhelmed.. i got in trouble for lack of concentration at my work, these problems are really starting to eat me alive.

Submitted by bea2ls on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 06:06


( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

i cannot believe it has been so long since i wrote this. i opened a new bank (credit union) who automatically signed me up for checks and because i did not know i now have a $28 overdraft fee and i still owe them for the checks! they will not withdrawl. this happened one day before direct deposit and one day after i withdrew money out of my account :(
my rent has not been on time in months i'm paying $70 in late fees every month :( my internet is about to be turned off because i do not have money for the bill due today (payment arrangement). this was the only luxury i had left..
i am finding it hard to breathe and just feel defeated at this point.
i give up.

Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 06:42


( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )