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Collection Issues

Submitted by on Thu, 10/04/2012 - 09:10
Posts: 202330

I need some good advice. I will try to make a long story short.
My parents lost everything ten years ago, three years ago they couldn???t afford the electrical bill and asked for my help. I remortgaged my house and funded them to start another business. The deal was when I helped them work out of their debt we would be partners. (I know bad choice, was more trying to help them then myself). Things fell apart and I walked away from the situation. They started amassing large debt and hiding huge losses from me.

One of the bills was from my father setting up their engineer to design an addition to my house. My father said he would do it for free or cheap and the company would pay for it. That was in late 2009. By February 2010 the drawings were done and I had a building permit by March 2010. Two and a half years ago.

A year after the drawings were completed I received a bill in the mail for the engineering. I called my Mom and the Engineer and they confirmed the bills were not supposed to come to me. That was it again until a month ago I received the bill again. I didn???t do anything this time.
A couple days ago I got a call from the engineers accounting lady saying I need to pay, I informed her of the situation and told her to call my father and talk to her boss. She called back and said they were told to bill me and if I didn???t pay she would send me to collections. I emailed her and requested a copy of the contract that they had and stated that I never at any point had a verbal agreement with them that was with Father and the company. They did not reply to that and just sent me a copy of the bill. It???s dated a year after the work was done.

I received my first letter from the Dixon Commercial Investigators Inc. today requesting payment or they will pursue me. What do I do?