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what is the best way to negotiate a settlement with a debt collector?

Submitted by Heammer on Mon, 02/03/2020 - 20:59

What is the best way to negotiate a settlement with a debt collector?

There is no best way to negotiate with a debt collector. Rather, there are a certain tips you can use to negotiate a settlement with a debt collector. For instance, you can inform the debt collector that you're in financial hardship. As such it won't be possible for you to pay the entire amount. All you can do is pay a portion of your total debt amount. If the collector refuses to help you, then you may have to file bankruptcy in that case.

Submitted by Nick Jonas on Mon, 02/03/2020 - 22:25

Nick Jonas

( Posts: 427 | Credits: )

I would say before filing bankruptcy, give it a try. Instead of arguing with the debt collector, be calm and explain your financial situation. Try to make them understand that if they agree to your proposal, they may get a significant amount though not full. But, if you file bankruptcy, they might not any amount or much less. So, agreeing for debt settlement is beneficial for them too.

Submitted by Mabelle Page on Tue, 02/04/2020 - 00:24

Mabelle Page

( Posts: 295 | Credits: )

You must communicate with your debt collector calmly and make him understand your financial situation and what you can afford to pay. Read all the documents closely before signing it. Make sure you send all necessary documents via authorized mail.

Submitted by Barbara Delinsky on Fri, 02/07/2020 - 05:24

Barbara Delinsky

( Posts: 433 | Credits: )