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Owe way too much!!!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 08:48
Posts: 202330

I in collections for 7 credit cards estimated at $12,000. I defaulted on a timeshare at $7,000. I am so disappointed with myself in this life I am 32 years old. I am probably just going to file bankruptcy. Mentally I am just tired of this debt I can't see how I will ever over come this. I only make $15,000 per year as a security officer.

Welcome to the Community rod :D I know how you felel, but you are still very young and can get on track! I am old enough to be your mother and I was in that shape!

You are entitled to a free credit counsultation if you signed up for one. Let them see what options they may have for you.

Have you tried to settle with them for lower amounts? This will harm your credit, but if they are in collections, you already have a mark on your report.

Make sure that you get anything in writing that you do or agree to.

Are these accounts just in collections, or have they been bought by the collection agencies?

Feel free to ask questions, we are here to help and guide you!!..karen

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 08:53


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

Yes, thing at a time. most everyone on this forum have been in over our heads or are there now and this community is informative and understanding. use the free advice here on the site for they will give you sound information on what to do in your situation. in regards to your cc debt, have you considered consolidating? I believe that much debt would qualify for most programs. see what your free advice has to say. While it does not seem like it now,rod, you will pull through this and manage. hang in there, being proactive is the first step to becoming debt free

Submitted by debtstinker on Thu, 10/18/2007 - 08:55


( Posts: 288 | Credits: )