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Can I get sued for a credit card debt after 20 years?

Submitted by keith lyon on Wed, 03/03/2021 - 19:29

I had an Amex credit card 20 years ago. I had around $20,000 outstanding balance on my credit card. I have never paid a penny to Amex. Fortunately, Amex has also not bothered to call me or sue me in the last 20 years. They have not sent me a 1099c form also.

Now, I am planning to apply for a new Amex card. Will that be too risky? Can they sue me now? Can they send me a 1099c form now?

Amex cannot sue you now. It's more than 20 year old debt. But it is better to not apply for Amex credit card. Although, the debt will not be there on your credit report, but we don't know if they will check their internal past records. No, I don't think they will be sending 1099C form now.

Submitted by David Martin on Wed, 03/03/2021 - 23:12

David Martin

( Posts: 394 | Credits: 3933 )

I agree with David. It is better to apply for a credit card from other bank. Make sure you read the terns and conditions carefully and check out that the interest rate is low. Also, repay the outstanding bill at every billing cycle.

Submitted by Mabelle Page on Thu, 03/04/2021 - 22:54

Mabelle Page

( Posts: 295 | Credits: )