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I was diagnosed with cancer lymphoma in 2018

Submitted by Amy46 on Tue, 11/17/2020 - 04:38

I was diagnosed with cancer lymphoma in 2018 and while I was on an approved medical leave m job filled my position, therefore I have some unpaid debts. I have been writing to inform them of my illness and asking for their patience and for them to give me some time because I am getting aggressive chemo and my family is taking care of me and now they are threatening to sue me and file judgement what can I do to keep this stress off of me right now. I am truly unable to pay anything right now because i have no income and I have filed for disability and have received no response? Please help!

For starters, collection agencies are threatening to sue and file judgment? Collectors are not attorneys and cannot threatened to do what they are legally not able to do. Start off with cease and desist mail and emails....tell them to never contact you again. You have no money, no job and probably no assets right? They cannot garnish disability so really there is nothing they can do. Dont bother with debt relief plans, at least not right now....get yourself healthy.

Submitted by SOAPLADY on Thu, 11/19/2020 - 15:12


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