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Can there be medical debt even if I have health insurance?

Submitted by Roggers on Thu, 09/17/2020 - 17:38

I have a health insurance. But the insurance company is saying that I will have to pay extra on medical bills. How can I get rid of tis medical debt? Do I need to verify the debt first? The debt is of 2 years back. I got a call today to repay the debt.

Hello Rogers!

As the medical debt is two years back, you have every right to check the bill and everything in detail.

Ask your health insurance company to email you or post all the medical bills on your home address.

You may take the help of a medical bill advocate to consult with the expert what you can do in this matter.

There is another option like you can apply for a bank loan to repay your medical debt.

But first of all, ask your health insurance provider to send you all the papers related to medical debt.

Submitted by Ryan Miller on Thu, 09/17/2020 - 23:59

Ryan Miller

( Posts: 249 | Credits: 2769 )

Is this medical debt yours? Of course, you should ask them to validate the debt first. If the debt is genuine, then you can settle your medical bills or pay the bills with a medical credit card.

Submitted by David Martin on Fri, 09/18/2020 - 04:19

David Martin

( Posts: 394 | Credits: 3933 )

Hi Roggers! Have you checked your medical bills thoroughly? Because overcharging is not unusual in medical bills. If you need any help, consult a medical bill advocate to deal with your healthcare provider to find out errors and negotiate with them to reduce the debt amount.

Submitted by Craigh.terry on Sun, 09/27/2020 - 21:25


( Posts: 273 | Credits: )