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If I opt for counseling session, will the credit counseling agency guide me to choose the best debt relief option?

Submitted by Adriankoles on Mon, 11/12/2018 - 21:41

If I opt for counseling session, will the credit counseling agency guide me to choose the best debt relief option?

Credit counseling agency will help you to get a clear picture of your finances by providing a comparative analysis of your income and expenses, and also offer tips to improve your credit. Also, they can provide you a debt management plan or a DMP to get you out of those debts.

Submitted by Barbara Delinsky on Tue, 11/13/2018 - 05:30

Barbara Delinsky

( Posts: 433 | Credits: )

A credit counseling session lasts for 30 minutes. In an online counseling session, the credit counselor analyzes your financial situation (your income, assets, and debts) and then gives you solutions to resolve your debt issues. He suggests money management tips and budgeting techniques to help you save money and pay off debts. Usually, these tips and tricks help to resolve debt issues. But if those tips don't work for you, then you can enroll in a debt management plan to pay off debts. A debt management plan is a paid service. You have to pay a fee. But you can attend a credit counseling session free of cost. Call 800-DEBT-913 if you want to attend a free credit counseling session.

Submitted by David Martin on Wed, 11/14/2018 - 03:19

David Martin

( Posts: 394 | Credits: 3933 )