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Do I really have to pay the rent claimed by the landlord?

Submitted by Foffi on Wed, 04/12/2017 - 20:17

I was an interntional student living in Connecticut and have left the US on February 2015. Before leaving i have broke my apt lease by paying one month rent and keeping the security deposit for the landlord and also paying a 500 dollars fees to help them find another tenant as soon as they can. Last month i got an email from the landlord saying that i have to pay the whole amount of the rent of last six months and my file were sent to a collection agency. Do i really have to pay that amount? And what if they got a judgement against me, would that cause any trouble for me when visiting USA like getting arrested? Thanks

Let me get this straight! Did you get any written proof of your payments while leaving the apt?? I mean did you have any acknowledgement letter signed by the lender that you do not owe him/her anymore since the day you left?

I think those evidences will be needed if you want to save yourself...

Submitted by Barbara Delinsky on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 07:05

Barbara Delinsky

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