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credit score

Submitted by islefan3949 on Tue, 03/15/2011 - 10:21
Posts: 273

Where would be the best place for me to go to get my most accurate credit score? I am currently signed up with, but I've read that myfico has the most accurate score and that is the one that is actually looked at by lenders. Any help will be appreciated.

MyFico is good. But usually creditors look at the 3 credit bureaus mentioned above. However, credit score is given based on the status of your credit report. So, if there is any mistake on your credit report, then you should dispute it immediately or it may have a negative impact on your credit score. The aforementioned 3 credit bureaus have to issue millions of credit reports. So, it is not unusual for them to make mistakes. So, you should check your reports.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/15/2011 - 20:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok let's clarify the clear as mud credit scoring systems (as there are many)

if you are using truecredit, you are looking at your credit scores through the eyes of Transunion. the Scores shown are not Fico they are Vantage (btw this is true if you use any of the available credit monitoring systems that are generally backed by the three main credit bureaus.

Ok Fico is a credit worthiness scoring system that has been around since 1987. Well earlier if you count the non public versions

In 2006 the three main bureaus, at the lead of Transunion created a new credit scoring system Called Vantage)

Fico is just one of the Credit scoring systems. Fico also offers a product called Fico Expansion score (which pulls data from PRBC credit reporting agency (which pulls in nontraditional data, it should be noted that Fannie Mae Freddie Mac use data from PRBC when the credit file is thin).

Experian just recently bought Rentbureau to pull in rental data.

Transunion and Equifax haven't announced anything in regards to expanding their database.

Fico adding PRBC data appears to be a direct response to Experian purchase of RentBureau.

We all know the 3 major bureau, Transunion, Experian and Equifax (equifax has relationships with at least one of the lesser known ones CBC)
INNOVIS is almost as big now as the major 3 and PRBC is pulling data from non traditional sources (rent, utilities etc.)

Believe the next few years we will see some major changes in credit scoring.

In general "big qualification there" though what you do to improve your Vantage score which is readily available will also help your fico score. although they are not on the same scale.


Submitted by drhent on Sun, 03/20/2011 - 00:10


( Posts: 9 | Credits: )

Really it depends on what score the creditor is using to deny or give credit. So keeping your three vantage scores high and keeping your Fico score High.

It is only a fake score when it isn't being used. the time it is being used is the time it can help or hurt you.

Not to mention that you don't have access to some of the other scores I mentioned, seems impossible to get the PRBC score currently and haven't found any way to get the rent score from experian.


Submitted by drhent on Fri, 03/25/2011 - 08:47


( Posts: 9 | Credits: )