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JHS Marketing formerly TJF Corp/Bahamas

Submitted by hele3121 on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 10:56
Posts: 47

Has anybody gotten an update address or website/ email I sent my letter to them but was returned. BBB also forwarded my complaint and same thing returned undeliverable.

I tried e-mailing them a couple times and told them I saw that their company was a scam (c'mon, 3 different names?) and the guy who e-mailed me back was such a d-bag and nasty as heck. Also, my loan was for $150 and nowit has been a year and still, $45 is withdrawn every 2 weeks like clockwork. I cant close my account because of another payday loan that I never applied for that screwed up my other checking and was illegally takin money. and now, I think JHS sold my social to some scam comapny who has been calling my job saying they were gonna arrest me (which was supposed to happen yesterday) I got a bunch of red tape right now and had to go thru a bunch pf complaint filing. I am about to get this compnay too.

Submitted by on Wed, 10/21/2009 - 10:49

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I have never had a loan through TJF or any of their other names. I received a call this morning from a guy saying he was from their collections and that I was being sued because I took out a loan in November 2008 and that I needed to pay $350 right now to avoid it escalating to thousands. He even said the names of my two references who I used on an application to a different company months ago, were going to be named in the lawsuit. I know this is bogus because I never even applied for any pdl until March 2009. I told him I needed a validation letter and that I did not take out a loan in November 2008 and he hung up on me. This company has not debited anything from my account EVER but now I'm a little worried. I don't know if they have my account info or not.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/02/2009 - 07:35

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I applied for a loan yesterday and I got a call from 2 different people saying I qualified for a 200.00 loan and it would be deposited in my account after midnight. I have an account but it's a prepaid account. I rarely put money in it. But I noticed transactions had been made where they tried to purchase items for 15.00. and the funny thing was is I had only 1.00 in the account. I have already contacted the bank. they will be getting nothing from me. They even sent me a contract via email. I sent them an aemail this morning, lets see if they email back.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 05:55

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
I tried e-mailing them a couple times and told them I saw that their company was a scam (c'mon, 3 different names?) and the guy who e-mailed me back was such a d-bag and nasty as heck. Also, my loan was for $150 and nowit has been a year and still, $45 is withdrawn every 2 weeks like clockwork. I cant close my account because of another payday loan that I never applied for that screwed up my other checking and was illegally takin money. and now, I think JHS sold my social to some scam comapny who has been calling my job saying they were gonna arrest me (which was supposed to happen yesterday) I got a bunch of red tape right now and had to go thru a bunch pf complaint filing. I am about to get this compnay too.

Was the law company Marvel Associates. This company keeps calling my job stating that legal action has been filed and I should be receiving a supeona soon. I dont jnow these people

Submitted by on Fri, 01/22/2010 - 14:23

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Have the bank reject the money and have them close down the compromised account and open a new one not linked to the old one in any way.. file a complaint with the state AG office.

You can also start your own tread to keep this from being lost..

Submitted by HelpinAZ on Fri, 01/23/2015 - 14:32


( Posts: 1870 | Credits: )

I came across your post. I am grateful to have read it and for this forum. I formatted a letter to both JHS & Sandpoint very similar to yours only applicable to Washington State. I then faxed both of them to each 'location.' I have not had any further deductions from my account from either of them. To further cover myself (for the time being as I am in process of closing the account), I faxed a separate letter to my financial institution quoting, as well as supplying a copy, the FDIC regulation you quote regarding Preauthorized Transfers (I looked it up). I also wanted the bank to know that I knew they could stop an eft when the consumer so requests it. I did this primarily because I wanted the deductions stopped and I wanted them to know that I knew it could be done as sometime ago, they told me they couldn't - this was regarding a different issue. Anyway, to date, I have received two very, very nasty and threatening phone calls; one to my cell and one to my home number. I've received no other calls that I'm aware of and both of these were recorded messages - I don't answer when I don't know who it is. However, yesterday, I received this email:
From: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
Subject: Account(s) Sent to Collection
Date: 03/15/2010 11:51 AM
Your account with JHS Marketing was sent to National Credit Adjustors, 866-660-1626.
Thank you,
At this point, I'm feeling it better to ignore the email. A response may only fuel their fire. At least I'm thinking that. Anyone have a suggestion?

Submitted by on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 15:24

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[QUOTE=Anonymous;457611]i am also looking for the number to jhs marketing. personal info removed for your safety - Jason[/QUOTE]
don't know what their hours are since I called at 2:05 p.s.t. and got after hours message. 866-584-3418

Submitted by on Mon, 06/07/2010 - 14:38

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First, with your bank account, do an ACH/Debit Block to those transactions. It'll cost you whatever a bounced check fee is, but most banks will do so for you easily. All you need to say is that you are NOT authorizing these funds from being removed anymore and wish them blocked. Now my bank allows this to remain for 6 months before renewal. So you'll need to find out your bank's duration. But bounce out what you don't wish to have taken out. If you no longer authorize it, it's illegal for them to take it. PERIOD. Now that's not to say that they won't do something else, like put it under a different name and number. The word here is dilligence. Keep a close eye on your account to be sure they don't do anything else and act on anything right away while it's pending that day in your account.

Second, NOONE can be arrested for a debt. In the USA, noone has ever been arrested for a debt short of child support and taxes. Check your state's laws regarding debts and their right to collect. For example, in my state, if the business does not do business in my state or has any holdings here, they have no legal recourse to sue or otherwise prosecute me in any way. All they can do is harrass me on my phone. Which by the way, they are not permitted by FDCPA to call places inconvenient to you... IE your work place. So when anyone you do not give permission to calls your work, you can tell them do NOT ever call there again and they MUST adhere to it. You may tell them to only call a phone you designate or not to contact you at all. Now this does not negate the debt, but may give you some peace at work and not get you in trouble with work.

I'd also suggest getting ahold of a debt lawyer that deals with collection agencies. Perhaps get their advice on your situation as well. Best of luck and hope this gives you some valuable info.

Take care!



Originally Posted by Anonymous
I tried e-mailing them a couple times and told them I saw that their company was a scam (c'mon, 3 different names?) and the guy who e-mailed me back was such a d-bag and nasty as heck. Also, my loan was for $150 and nowit has been a year and still, $45 is withdrawn every 2 weeks like clockwork. I cant close my account because of another payday loan that I never applied for that screwed up my other checking and was illegally takin money. and now, I think JHS sold my social to some scam comapny who has been calling my job saying they were gonna arrest me (which was supposed to happen yesterday) I got a bunch of red tape right now and had to go thru a bunch pf complaint filing. I am about to get this compnay too.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/23/2010 - 14:10

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i just realized this jsh loan people deposited $300 in my bank, i didn't sign authorization for this

Submitted by on Sat, 01/19/2013 - 10:17

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