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Very frustrated...

Submitted by on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 08:22
Posts: 202330

Hello. Last week when I viewed my credit report online it said I owed you two different bills. I called and found out that it was from a hospital bill over a year ago. I was not contacted in any way (phone, mail, or any other way). When I called your company I spoke to a woman and she gave me incorrect information but I did pay my bill over the phone that day. A week later I called to ask why it showed on my credit report that I had neglected to pay a years worth of payments when the woman I talked to told me that would not appear on my report and now my credit report has been severely damaged. Even thought I was polite and trying to be understanding, the woman ( who would not give me her name) kept interrupting me and told me I was just "going around with her" because I was asking her questions trying to figure out who I needed to contact to resolve this issue. She was very nasty and rude and was trying to cover up her mistakes. When I asked to speak to the manager she said" I will direct your call to the manager but we can't do anything" very nastily and then hung up. I have not received a call back from a manager and am very frustrated with this situation. I just want this problem fixed so I can go on with my life and not appear to ignore my bills. I paid my bill AS SOON AS I found out about it through the credit card tracker. My credit score should not be damaged because Berks credit and Collections failed to contact me over a year long bill. Please contact me with some sort of resolution since calling the office gets me ignored and my questions unanswered.