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Submitted by on Tue, 11/16/2010 - 08:09
Posts: 202330

My question involves collection proceedings in the State of: Florida
I have a hard ship at some point, I started using a credit card to pay my mortgage, then I could not pay either or, I keep sending payments to all my CC, with Bank of America, a very large one the interes rate promotion went up and I could not continue sending the full minimun Payment, I started sendind less than the minimun, after 3 months I have a phone call, I explain what is happening and ask them if I can be put on any payment plan, they told me that I have to be upto date on the payment to do this, but I continue sending small payments, after 6 months I have and other phone call to offer me to settle the debt for $.30c per dollar, but i still have to came up with $7000,00 to get this done, and I could not, a moth later I have a call from NorthStar Collection agency, this person was rude and told me that I better get a lawyer, or paid the account in full,he started lugfing, and told me to be prepare to loose everhing that I have, now everyone of my neighbors have recive a call from this agency that they are trying to contact me for a collection with Bank of America, they do have my number and I always talk to them BOA and the Northstar Agency, I dont understand what is going to happen, why call my neighbors and dont try to make a payments arregments with me?