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New Puppy

Submitted by FYI on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 15:03
Posts: 1950

Recently at work there have been hoards of new babies. I love babies, they are so cute and adorable.. did I mention adorable? I spent a few days thinking about how much I would like to have another one. I already have 4 children.

My mother in law calls me up and explains that she has a 6 month old rat terrier that she needs to give up. Due to her work schedule she isn't able to give her the attention that she needs. I was hesitant to accept but I did. I must say having Roxxi around now has cured me of my wanting another child. She is a perfect addition to the family.

I like that better than my own name ....Foxy Roxxi...that is too precious. Especially for a little dog. I hope you get her one of those fancy dog collars to go with her name :lol: I used this name becuase it was the name of a character I loved and it was the named of a friend's great dane that I loved. You need to post pics.

Submitted by RoxyNY on Wed, 05/06/2009 - 06:03


( Posts: 4178 | Credits: )

I am having an argument with my husband on what type of name tag to get her. I want a pink one in the shape of a crown that says princess on it. It also has a little jewel on it.

I will post some pics if I can get her to stay still long enough! She is extremely active right now and as soon as I get the lens focused she has moved again! I will try and get some up today!

Submitted by FYI on Wed, 05/06/2009 - 07:05


( Posts: 1950 | Credits: )

ah.puppies and kittens are like gas molecules.good luck getting her to stand still long enough. :lol:

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 08:04


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

My hats off to you for taking in Roxxi, when she could have ended up at the pound and I shudder to think what would have happened to her then. I'm glad she has become a member of your family and it sounds like she's going to have a great life!

Funny story about naming pets. I usually try to name my pets after I have gotten to know them and their personalities.

So last year, about July, just before I got my job, I rescued this little black kitten (I live in a rural area and we have a lot of feral cats that hang around). I had to bottle feed her for the first two weeks on my new job. Let me tell you, that wasn't fun; waking up at all hours of the night.

Well, I couldn't come up with a name for her; there wasn't one thing about her personality that really stood out. She had a really mellow personality, was kind of aloof from the other cats, it just seemed nothing extraordinary stood out about her.

So when she got old enough to start using the big cat litter pans, I took up the smaller one that I had out for her. Well, I started finding little piles of "Poo-Poo" at odd places throughout the house. I figured it had to be her, as I had never had a problem like that with my other cats. Finally, one day I caught her doing her poo-pooing behind the bed in the spare room.

So I decided that's her name: Poo-Poo Kitty

I also solved the problem by putting out an extra litter pan, so now I don't get any more poo-poo surprises.

She also likes to jump up on my chest and lay there whenever I'm watching TV or working on the PC. Of course, now she's bigger, it's much harder for her to get balanced, so she usually doesn't stay long.

Submitted by FloridaRon on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 16:15


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i have been lately getting the baby blues but then i remember what it was like not being able to get a sitter, diapers, TEETHING, and months of no sleep, i remember why we decided not to have another one. i wish we would have right away before we knew about the terrible 2s and the trying 3s and now were into the mouthy bossy 4s i cant wait to see what 5 brings.

great decision deciding on a dog, atleast they wont mouth back!

Submitted by love_my_things on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 19:39


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