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trying to purchase a house

Submitted by on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 16:12
Posts: 202330

I'm trying to purchase a house, I knew I have had bad credit in the past. Thank goodness for the 7 year rule. I now have on my credit report a total of 8 Accounts with a total debt of $ 3,497.
Two of the accounts have charge offs, in wich I want to send a PFD letter to the collectors.My credit score is a 511-585 i need to raise the score to a 700.

To be true it is not possible to increase your score to 700 in a few months. It may take a year or even more and that too if you continue making timely payments on your debt and improve your credit history. Moreover, if the accounts have been charged off by OC and the accounts are right now with the CA, you cannot get it removed from your report before the seven year period.

Submitted by SC on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 03:20


( Posts: 3937 | Credits: )

Charge off does not mean that you are exempted from paying the debt. If you do not pay it off and the debt is still within the SOL period, the creditor can sue you and recover the debt through judgment.
However, you should first check the SOL on the debt before paying off a charged off account. If the SOL on the debt has expired, you need not make any further payments.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 04:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )