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Congress will Act: Some bankers, financiers may go to Jail!

Submitted by bandibreath on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 08:53
Posts: 29

Just this week, some folks in Congress are discussing the possiblility of holding banks, and other lending institutions liable for the predatory lending fiasco. This even includes I believe some mortgage companies. If I am not mistaken, this in all probability means that some collection agencies and PayDay Lending Companies that are funded or bolstered by some banks and lending institutions, might have at least one leg of their business being cut off. When Congress opens up hearings on these banks, mortgage companies, and other lenders, they will actually be looking for some of these bankers and lenders to do jail time! heard it. Jail time! A congressman who is helping to form the investigation was being interviewed on CNN the other day and he stated that this is a bipartisan coalition effort, and he stated that this investigative process WILL HAPPEN, and that if found guilty, some high rollers will GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!!! The FTC also is looking to strenghten the Fair Debt Collections Act on behalf of consumers! I predicted over a yr. or so ago that the Feds would have to step in to stop all of the robberies that these white collar gangsters were doing. Some, if not all of these greedy so and so's will serve time, and now because of the state of the economy...I don't see too many people objecting to this possibility. Feds I say....GO GET THE LOUSY CROOKS!!!! Also, look at Budd Hibbs' website and look at all the collection agencies that have actually closed down operations!!!

I find it actually hilarous that congress will actually go after banks. Ummm weren't they the ones that forced the banks to offer such ridiculous mortgage loans in the first place? By telling them they need to lend to more minority people, who in turn, might not have had the credit/money saved to own a house in the first place?

While it might slow down some legal lender, it doesn't do anything to the illegal lenders lending from offshore.

Submitted by beli2005 on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 08:57


( Posts: 882 | Credits: )

beli I have to totally agree .... the regular banks did not break any laws.... they did not do anything legally wrong. Morally maybe, but EVERYONE was doing the same thing, and they were being bolstered and bullied by the loudmouths in Government and media, who are all now pointing fingers right back at the same banks that they bullied in the first place!

The payday loan places might have been doing ilegal things, but I don't know anything about them.

I am trying to refinance, and can't find anyone who is lending right now ...... they are all scared to lend money to anyone, they are seeing how much the banks are hated by everyone right now, and don't want to be everyones scapegoat. As much as I hate to say it, I understand why they aren't lending! They are damned if they do and damned if they don't!

Submitted by smo65d11 on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 09:06


( Posts: 1467 | Credits: )

Even if some of the arguments etc, were started by Congress, they, but moreso the President, will have the last word regardless. They, yes are looking to hold some people accountable. Someone should be, and for better or worse, the lawmakers that we have elected are supposed to act to protect the people..for good or for ill I suppose. We do need more consumer advocacy on the ground and the laws need to be changed and stenghthened in order to protect consumers. For so long, we've not had enough championing bodies on the ground to look after the little guy.

Submitted by bandibreath on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 09:21


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

LOL yeah right! No matter what party is in power, "we" are NEVER "them".

I think the Libertarians are probably the closest to my feelings ... stay out of my bedroom, stay out of my workplace, stay out of my church (if I went to one!), stay out of my doctors office, stay out of my checkbook!

Submitted by smo65d11 on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 10:29


( Posts: 1467 | Credits: )

than we don't have a true democracy nor is this a republic but a despotism. Like it or not, government as it stands, is a necessary "evil". Cynicism does not change, nor has it ever changed anything. ONe of the problems with our country is that people complain much more than they "activate". If you do not advocate change, you never get it. If you are dissatisfied with the government, according to T. Jefferson, than you must change it. It takes more courage to actively change it than to go along with the status quo, aNd it is not easy, but cynicism allows what is corrupt to continue. No Congress was not right nor has it ever been right in all of it's decisions, but if we give up on our own system, than we will become a nation that will be run completely by tyrants, and any dissenting voices will be hushed up through intimidation and even jailed, and forums like this as well as freedom of speech in general, will no longer exist. Cynicism is dangerous in a democracy. All you have to do is revisit the 20th century to see the results when the people disengage from their own government. Continue to hold our officials accountable, but support them also when they are attempting to right something that never should have occured. Government is only as effective as the people that are governed.

Submitted by bandibreath on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 10:38


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

That is because in recent years, public opinion was that of malaise and apathy. Bush and Cheney could not be impeached because the public will to do it did not exist. In some factions yes, but the masses, no. If there is public will behind what public servants propose, things do get done. Unfortunately, the death penalty is widely accepted in this culture, and Legislators were able to get it passed because the will of the people supported it. Hopefully, the death penalty will eventually be overturned, but I am just using that as an example.

Submitted by bandibreath on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 10:00


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )