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Totally not about debt/ cat problems, help!

Submitted by lmale on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 19:44
Posts: 742

Guys I need your help. My 5 year old male "fixed" cat keeps going #1 on our clothes!!! Please don't think my house is a mess, its clothes that on in the laundry room, while I'm waiting to put them in the machine. It would seem he is going #2 in the litter box, but won't go #1. My husband is of course throwing a fit telling us we have to get rid of him!! What can I do. This is the only cat I've ever owned so I'm not sure how to handle. Do you think getting a new litter box would work? We clean it everyday, faithfully. Thanks for any suggestions, Reny

First things first. Review any changes you've made in your cat's environment... Different litter? Laundry soap? Cologne? If you've changed something recently [about when the problem started], try changing it back.

Have you discussed this with your veterinarian? Fixed toms can develop some oddball habits.

Submitted by unclewulf on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 04:47


( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

it sounds like your cat may have cystitis, a urinary tract infection male cats get. it is fairly common. I have had 2 male cats that have had this before and one of the common symptoms is urinating in places other than the litterbox. the fact that he is going #2 in the box probably means he has cystits. jessiejames is right that you should get him treated soon because it can be life threatening if you let it go too long...if you see him strain and nothing comes out that is not good...the good news here is that something is coming out. take him to the vet and he will get medication to clear it up and he should be fine....good luck!

Submitted by on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 07:35

( Posts: 86 | Credits: )

We took him in yesterday, the vet says his bladder is "flat" which I guess is good. She didn't see any crystals, good again. So, she did give us an antibotic she said that for some reason, they find that even if cats don't have a UTI, the antibotics will help?? She sugguested a new food for unirary health, and we bought another litter box, so he now has 2.

Good news this this morning, I went down and checked and sure enough he went #1, in the new litter box! YEAH. We have to keep an eye on him to make sure he improves if not the vet of course wants to see him back.

Thanks everyone! Reny

Submitted by lmale on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 07:19


( Posts: 742 | Credits: )