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my rant about cops and thier rediculas tickets lately

Submitted by love_my_things on Sat, 05/02/2009 - 14:58
Posts: 1434

hello! i have noticed the last 3 months in our town the cops are going crazy with these rediculas speed TRAPS and tickets. We have this one hill in town that it is impossible to go 25 down over unless you are breaking the whole way and of course they set up a speed trap there and people are totally unaware that the nice guy dressed in regular clothes detouring you is actually detoring you to the cops.

Not only that they are at about every 2 or 3 streets after that so if they dont get you there, i guess they figure people think thier safe if they missed the speed trap and they will catch you down the road a little further.

Now me personally they got me at that spot last summer and i vowed they would not get me again. But i have been hearing some rediculas complains from others like this guy we know was in a car accident and broke his collar bone so the chest belt hurts him so he had it under his arm pit and they fined him for that, just stupid stuff.

well the other day i was getting my inspection done and that guy does all the police cars i mentioned the speed trap and he told me that the area is loosing money because of all the businesses shutting down because of the economy so the other day one of the cops told him they are trying to make up that money with tickets and fines.

ok so they wonder why everything is just getting so horribly bad for people. Its terrible that our community is suffering so horribly and now instead of them catching criminals (yea we have them rubbing our homes, vehicles, and stores daily anymore) they are ticketing the poor guy going 30 in a 25 that happens to be a horrible speed trap.

Its never ending and relentless it kills me to go to the grocery store anymore. are they ever just gonna give us the real people a break????

Wow, sounds as bad as the police state of California! It's better (if you want to get away with it, I am not advocating the commission of crimes) to commit an ACTUAL crime because the police are too busy trying to catch you evil speeders. R-apes? Robberies? Mayhem? Pshaw! That person is going 32 MPH, how DARE they!!!

And I dislike the speedbelt thing too. If I were in an accident and had the choice of flying through the window to my death and my head slamming on the steering wheel and breaking my neck so I can lay in bed for years and years and years --- hmmmmmm I think I'll go for the flying tra-peze, thanks.... Seatbelts make me nervous....

And they wonder why the youth have no sense of responsibility these days. And why should they? Big daddy gubmint is gonna tell them what to do every step of the way, and what gubmint doesn't dictate, the media will.

Submitted by Chrys Henderson on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 00:11

Chrys Henderson

( Posts: 2538 | Credits: )

exactly, they have so many accidents were it has been proven that a person lived because they were ejected from the car. personally myself im very short below 5 ft and the seatbelt cuts at my neck but once again i dont know whats best for myself. My mom was also in a car accident and the belt jammed keeping her trapped in the car till someone came. what if the car had cought fire?

i hope you fight the ticket for the unmarked parking space. seriously its getting crazy lately. i mean seriously last year when they got me in the speed trap i was going 31 in that 25 of course im a criminal and recieved one of those lovely papers on being a agressive driver. it was such a joke among my friends scince im known for my grandma driving.

Submitted by love_my_things on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 19:23


( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

I do not know if I am going to bother fighting it.. it was outside my work (they tore out our parking garage and we have a one mile walk to my office - all thanks to my lovely government job :roll: ) but i know many people park there in a pinch if they are running late.. and people have tried to fight it and never won so i do not know if i will bother missing work for that..

Submitted by bea2ls on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 05:59


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Oh love_my_things, good point you made there. My cousin was in a very serious accident where the car was completely smashed beyond all recognition. There were 5 people in the car, only 1 had the seatbelt on. The rest were ejected and only had a few minor scr-apes and the family of the seatbelt victim could never see their daughter to say goodbye...

I would rather be in the hands of Chance/God than be imprisoned behind mankind's sometimes nonsense laws.... God knows what is good for me, Man does not.

I consider some of these stupid parking & traffic enforcements to be little more than legalized extortion.

Submitted by Chrys Henderson on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 00:07

Chrys Henderson

( Posts: 2538 | Credits: )

years ago, (about 15 i think) my cousin was in a car accident with her 4 friends, it was a horrible accident the car was in pieces they struck a tree the only survivor was 1 boy that was ejected when the car hit the tree they found him wandering on the road confused and disorented but walked away the other my cousin and 2 other friends died because they were wearing thier seatbelts. you never hear of these types of accidents but they happen all the time. Im scared to death of seatbelts.

Submitted by love_my_things on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 07:56


( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )