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Submitted by mastedon2 on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 11:43

Hello everyone
Just applied for a debt consolidation loan thru my credit union. I highly doubt their approval will occur, but its a first step.
My debt consists of several years worth of amazingly high dental bills, (pay when it hurts) approach , being passed off from dentist to endodontist to periodontist back to dentist, insurance pays only one thousand benefit a year, and that equates to less than the cost of a root canal (forget the crown, its another 900.00).
That coupled with my very recent divorce leaving me with community propery debt has me needing to make changes in my approach of simply paying a little more than the minimum every month on the cc bills.
I have no emergency fund, but a good job, and recently had to buy a house (new mortgage, but at 4.25%) so this is all sort of hitting me at once.
I will keep ya updated on how its going.
I just wanted to join a community of like-minded individuals looking to get out of debt, and to educate myself further. :cool:

I like this" just wanted to join a community of like-minded individuals looking to get out of debt, and to educate myself further. :cool: "

Well, I can tell you from my own experince that you are in the best place on the web to do this!!

Keep on reading,posting and absorbing.
King "Kash"Jabba Labba

Submitted by King Jabba Labba on Tue, 11/29/2011 - 19:34

King Jabba Labba

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