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Need opinions on letters

Submitted by Angeldove on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 19:15
Posts: 225

It appears that i'm getting strange calls from JDBuyers. I tried to talk to some of them in the beginning, but finally quit answering the phone. Some of them send letters occasionally. In looking at one from several months ago, it's one of those if you dispute the validity of the debt - within 30 days, etc. Since it is way past the 30 days, can I still send a validation letter?

Angel, when you receive the dunning letter from the collection agency you should reply to it with a DV (if you have reasons to dispute) within the 30 days window, otherwise it would be considered as your assent to the account. You may still send a DV, but it might not yield the same result.

Submitted by SC on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 23:04


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