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Effect of paying off smaller accounts on credit score

Submitted by Mary on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 13:59
Posts: 1344

Time for my second question! :)

I have SEVERAL (I'd rather not say how many, but it seems like a lot to me) accounts in negative standing. Several of them are for smaller amounts ($76, $216). I do plan on paying them all off, but for now I want to start with these smaller ones until I become established in my new job.

My question is, does paying these smaller accounts off have any effect on my credit score? I love being encouraged, and to see my score go up even a couple points would make me feel a lot better :)

Also, when I pay off the larger accounts, will I see a bigger effect on my score?

Mary :)

Yes, your payments really boost up your credit scoring system. You will see a greater increase in your scores if you pay it at a couple of months rather than paying the same account over a period of six months.

When you will be paying your larger account totals, try to pay it with larger payments so that you take shorter time to pay off the debt. This will also save the amount of interests that would have been added and you will be always contributing more towards the principal amount.

Be dedicated towards your payments as nothing better than this improves the credit scoring system.

Submitted by david on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 14:34


( Posts: 1229 | Credits: )

Tip: You will be able to save money if you are able to reduce your monthly expenses. Perhaps, if you can live on a tight budget avoiding all the unnecessary expenses and cutting down the necessary expenses (to some extent), you will have easier time to pay off the larger amounts. Also, this will be helpful in shaping up your budgeting system. You will never land up with credit problems in the future.

Submitted by david on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 16:31


( Posts: 1229 | Credits: )

I am living on a pretty tight budget as it is (lost my job) but with my new job coming up I will have no problems catching up on things. I don't ever plan on having problems like this in the future, and I will be taking every step that I can to prevent it. Things are looking up!

Submitted by Mary on Mon, 01/23/2006 - 17:50


( Posts: 1344 | Credits: )


Good to know about your new job. Life will be on track again, trust me. Little planning and awareness can solve your problems.

Paying small debts first is a brilliant idea. This way you can repay several accounts with small balance very fast. Once all of these are paid, your score will start reflecting it and you will get kind of mental strength as well.

Then you can put more towards rest of your accounts which might hold a high balance. Do one favor to yourself; please do not incur any more debts during this period. This might delay the whole process.

Also go through this page and see what Shirley says here:

Submitted by 4u.bryan on Tue, 01/24/2006 - 10:26


( Posts: 819 | Credits: )

Hi Brian!

I will definitely refrain from increasing my debt during this period. I only have 2 small credit cards, and I gave them to somebody else to keep unless I have some kind of medical emergency and need them, so I can't use them anymore.

:) And thanks for the link, I like reading Shirley's posts, she has a great plan going on. Hopefully soon I will start seeing results like she is!!

Submitted by Mary on Tue, 01/24/2006 - 16:41


( Posts: 1344 | Credits: )