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Calls Calls Calls

Submitted by livingonedayatatime on Wed, 01/22/2014 - 14:07
Posts: 31

Within the last two days, I have received numerous calls from alleged mitigation/legal firms. The NCI or MCI firm, Financial Mediation group, And others that just threaten and give phone numbers to reply to. I was just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing a ramped up amount of these calls. I have been getting some now and again, but they are calling all my phone numbers now. I am not even sure how they got all of those. Most say about the same thing. It is regarding a complaint against me and my social, blah blah blah. I keep reporting to the FTC and SAG, but really it doesn't seem to help or get them to stop calling. I am totally frustrated. Anyone have any advise???

Do you owe any debt? If not, then they are surely a scammer. Don’t share any personal information with them. Next time if they call you back hang up on them. File a complaint against them to the SAG or FTC. Let’s see what action they are taking.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/23/2014 - 00:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Once you are in the online PDL database, your information is sold over and over and over again to other PDL companies and to scammers trying to say you owe a debt (they all pretty much use the same script). I have been dealing with this since 2012. I can tell every time my info is sold because the calls and text messages bombard me. I have tried ignoring all the calls and not answering and I have tried answering and saying, not interested take me off your list, etc. It doesn't matter they still continue to call. I block the ones that I can but most of the time they come in "unknown", "unavailable" or a spoofed number you can't block. It's not as bad as it was in the beginning, but about every three months or so my info gets sold.

Submitted by momofthree27 on Thu, 01/23/2014 - 08:03


( Posts: 358 | Credits: )

yeah when i was first in the pdl fight when i first joined here.yeah they seem to either at the end or toward the end of the month go nuts with the calls as that is when what i call blood money bonuses for bottomfeeders resolute the tide will go out soon.

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 01/23/2014 - 06:29


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