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Submitted by Morningstarr430 on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 17:06
Posts: 2329
[Donate] this is number 3 I am working on in my one at a time senerio. They answered the BBB with the same stuff...I knew what I was doing because I had been a previous customer etc. Now I still disagree with everything they said...but for my own sanity I need to be done with all this stuff as quickly and as easily as possible. So I emailed them again and said I still believe you are illegal..and I still believe I have paid you but what can we work out. They made an offer and I countered...they made another said it was the final...and gave info for moneygram....I wrote back again and said no way, too expensive, can't do they came back again with a lower amount and subtracted the moneygram fee. So I'm paying them off tomorrow. It's worth the $100. to be rid of this one. and with 3 of the pdls in my dmp plan that leaves me only 3 to fight...and the 3 hardest of all! MTE, MCN and Nationwide. I need a break!!!!

Just curious, why are you paying the extra amount if you have already paid the principal amount and after knowing that they are not licensed in your state? You should stick to your move and not send them anything.

In case if you really feel that paying this amount will end everything, just be sure to get the PIF letter after they have received your payment. I will suggest you to get it in writing first.

Submitted by fatb88 on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 17:20


( Posts: 218 | Credits: )

Congratulations Morningstarr! I am glad that you are getting them out of your life! That company is a pain in the a$$ and never did back down with me for what I legally owed them. They kept emailing me even after I sent them numerous complaints and they ignored my state's AG so I think you did the best thing. :) I know it sucks that you overpaid them but at least they are done.

Submitted by Sassnlucy on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 17:25


( Posts: 2698 | Credits: )

That is great that you got them to lower your settlement amount!!! I would definitely do what fatb88 advised...that is make sure to get the settlement offer in writing BEFORE you send them more of your hard-earned cash and make sure they are going to send a PIF to you!

Submitted by on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 00:24

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morningstarr, believe me, I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm just so proud of you for counter offering to them! Hell, I hadn't even thought of that! I just say "Kiss my ****" to their offer! LOL! Did you do the counter offer through the BBB? Let me know that, for sure. Also, did you pay them the legal amount for your state? I mean, it sucks to send another $100 when you've already paid the damn thing, but like I said, I totally understand where you're coming from. JUST MAKE THEM GO AWAY! LOL! But, as they stated, make sure you have it in writing from them. I personally would email the**** and state "As per our agreement on xxx date, I will send you xxx dollars by money gram on xxxxx date and you will then mark my account paid in full and closed and no further communication will be made by you or any of your affiliates." That's just me. I back everything up in writing. So they get tired of my emails - oh well! But, like I said, I would email that statement to them so you have documentation of it. You probably already have, but you know me, gotta put my 2 cents in! And, good for you. Remember, tell me if you counter offered through the BBB. Damn! I never thought about that!

[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]

Submitted by cannr on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 17:15


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

After they answered the BBB complaint I emailed them and asked what they wanted...they told me..and we started emailing back and forth till I got them down as far as they would go and then I told them I wouldn't do Money gram because it cost too much so then I got an email saying THIS IS A FINAL OFFER... and they subtracted the moneygram fee..they said they had spent enough time on this account...LOL. I am over paying but only about 1/4 of what they originally asked. It's worth it to me to be done...and I will try the next one like this too...maybe it will work for me...:)

Submitted by Morningstarr430 on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 18:45


( Posts: 2329 | Credits: )

oh, morningstarr! You would honestly think they would have given me a settlement offer to get rid of me! LOL! All the crap we've been through! But, noooooo..... They're "settlement" was for hundreds more than the friggin loan! And it was "by money gram by such and such date". The usual routine. All 3 of them. Damn. You would honestly have thought they would do something to shut me up since they already told me to go away! LOL! I'm soooo glad for you. I really, really am. If they had been civil - I might have worked with them (then again, who knows!). Counter offer to MTE - damn girl - I gotta give you credit! You're awesome! :!: :!:

Submitted by cannr on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 11:50


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Thanks...but after ready so much here I couldn't believe they even bartered with me back and forth!! I didn't expect that at all but was prepared!! At least I got them down to what I was willing to pay to get rid of them...I don't know why they work with some of us and not with others...or one loan does but the other doesn't and it's all the same company...but maybe they don't know they are the same company..LOL...confused yet??

Submitted by Morningstarr430 on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 15:17


( Posts: 2329 | Credits: )

Oh no, morningstarr....What is wrong with you??? These pdl's aren't related at all! LOL! Just remember all the responses "We are not that company." LOL! It still cracks me up! I love to look at mine from US Fast Cash that says WE ARE NOT THIS COMPANYin big bold underlined print - and where did the email come from? compliancedepartment(at) How's that for a good one??? LOL!

Submitted by cannr on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 21:14


( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )