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Payday Loan harassing my family

Submitted by on Thu, 12/12/2013 - 06:50
Posts: 202330

A couple of years ago I was desperate to catch up on bills - utilities, rent, groceries. I took out a couple of payday loans and that was the worse thing I could have done. It got to where I was worse off with the payments coming out of my account every 2 weeks and was putting me deeper in debt so I stopped paying back. I was getting harassment calls threatening to take me to jail (you can't go to jail for nonpayment on a loan), threatening to serve me with papers (you don't call to serve papers, you just serve them), threatening a restraining orders (I guess they think I'm stupid, a restraining order stops someone from doing something, not make them pay a loan back). I ignored them. Now they are calling people that I did not use as references - the guy I was dating back then is now my husband and I never told him about these as they were before we married - somehow they got his number and are calling him saying they are trying to locate me - and yesterday HIS EX-WIFE got a call looking for me and trust me - I did not use either of them as references on the applications. How did they get their numbers and how can I stop these calls????

You could also tell everyone that your identity has been compromised and you have been receiving bogus calls and should they receive any they should just hang up. It seems that after the NY attorney general got involved in the fight against payday loans/illegal internet loans that these places have for the most part been put out of business and are using some pretty illegal tactics to scare and humiliate people into paying.

Submitted by momofthree27 on Thu, 12/12/2013 - 08:48


( Posts: 358 | Credits: )

have everyone called file police reports as the calls broke the law.let them know these are scamming,bottomfeeding,knucklescrapers that need to be reported asap.have them do that and also tell them not to answer if the number looks weird,and then to delete the message.just know that is one of the things illegal lenders and bottomfeeders everyone you ever knew.handle it that way.

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 12/12/2013 - 07:52


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