Kentucky and Internet PDL
You will need to go to the KY
You will need to go to the KY Dept of Financial Regulation to determine if they are licensed. If not, they are illegal and you will only be morally responsible for paying back the original principal amount borrowed. If illegal, on this site, click on forums, then click on payday loan help, then click on sticky on how to deal with illegal lenders. Follow every step, do not skip. Also, register with the forum so you will see responses to your inquiries.
Please check to see if they
Please check to see if they are licensed to lend - but highly unlikely since they are all tribal lenders.. How much did you originally borrow and how much paid back to date? Here is the link to help guide you..
none of these are legal as internet pdls,or installment lenders will not be go to the sticky and do as bingonut advised.
PayDay Loans
Internet PayDay Loans are illeigal in the State of Kentucky. It does not matter what they say or what you signed. Close your bank accouts...tell them your debit cards and checks were stolen. Have them stop all payments. You do not need to tell them why. You do not need to pay them a penny back. They will harass you, but just hang up. After a year or so, they will stop. They will make all kinds of stupid threats...but they have power to do nothing. If they call your work, tell them if they call again you will report them. They can not even hurt your credit report......So, close your account and change your phone number if you can...or just hang up/block calls. Laugh at them, as they can do squat!